French mum on probe into Scorpene deal

(Free Malaysia Today) – The Embassy of France in Malaysia is declining to comment on any possible investigations into Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak over the purchase of two Scorpene submarines when he was Defence Minister.

The embassy has no comments on the matter,” its press attache Remi Yahyu-Ishmael stated in a e-mail reply to FMT regarding a report that the French police might soon be investigating alleged corruption in the submarine deal.

Parti Keadilan Rakyat weekly newspaper Suara Keadilan reported that two French lawyers were in Kuala Lumpur recently to gather information regarding the submarine deal and a purported RM540million paid to a company as commission.

According to the report, the lawyers also gathered documents related to the murder of Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu who was the lover of Najib’s aide Razak Baginda who was linked to a company  paid commission for the submarine deal.

Altantuya who was blown to death in 2006 purportedly came to Kuala Lumpur seeking part of her commission of US$500,000 in the submarine deal.

The report said the French lawyers were gathering relevant documents related to the submarine deal to a lodge a police report in Paris.

