Still deny that Umno is behind the church attacks?
The government-controlled mainstream media and pro-Umno Blogs are beginning to spin rebuttals that Umno is behind the ongoing church attacks. Actually, as the following will prove, the plan to hit back at the Catholics for being ‘obstinate’ about using Allah in the Herald was mooted two years ago. And the government clearly has its hands dirty in the matter. In fact, the government even financed the ‘operation’.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Assalamualaikum dear MBA members.
I was invited to a closed door meeting with Datuk Seri Dr. Hj. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and in charge of Islamic Affairs, Government of Malaysia, day before yesterday at the Shangrila Putrajaya. The meeting took place at 9pm at a designated meeting hall in the exclusive hotel.
The invitation to me was relayed by Rocky Bru @ Ahiruddin Atan, President of All Blogs to discuss amongst many other topics, the problem being created by the publishers of the Malaysian Roman Catholic Magazine ‘Herald’ who remain obstinate in using the term ‘Allah’ to represent their idea of God in their Malay section of their Christian magazine.
Fellow blogger Nuraina Samad who blogs at, the daughter of National Laureate, Allahyarham Tan Sri Samad Ismail, was also there and two other bloggers who wish to remain anonymous.
Also attending on behalf of the Malaysian Government’s side was Dato’ Hj Wan Mohamad bin Dato’ Sheikh Abd.Aziz, the Director General of JAKIM, the Islamic Development Department of Malaysia, Dato’ Hj Ibrahim bin Lembut, the Director General and Chief Syarie Judge of the Syariah Justice Department of Malaysia, Datuk Dr. Syed Ali Tawfik Al Attas, the Director General of IKIM, the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia and other top officials of the Ministry (Islamic Affairs, Prime Minister’s Department).
The main subject of discussion centred upon the Minister’s wish that the Malaysian Bloggers especially those of us here in The Muslim Bloggers Alliance led by me together with All Blogs under Rocky Bru join forces with the Ministry (Islamic Affairs) and support JAKIM, IKIM and other related Islamic Affairs Departments to help clear the misunderstandings being unleashed upon the Malaysian populace by those who have vested agendas against Islam and the Muslims of Malaysia by creating this wave of controversy by pushing for such unheard of demands before to use ‘Allah’ for their obviously unIslamic publications, etc.
The Minister has been following postings done by many of us in the Malaysian Blogosphere and supports the good work that most of us do to help fight against the enemies of Islam through our respective blogs.
He admits to regularly read me too and also said that many of his fellow ministers support me and those of us here in the Muslim Bloggers Alliance.
Rocky Bru and Nuraina Samad are at the moment embroiled in engaging the Islamophobes out there in our volatile Malaysian blogging scene and have asked me to join forces with them in clearing the air about what our stand is against the Christian Catholic magazine usage of ‘Allah’ to describe their distorted idea of God when in truth they do not preach what Eesa Alaihis Salam himself preached that is to worship none other than Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala?
We discussed many things and amongst the ideas mooted was my idea to first and foremost register our MBA and after that to launch a ‘Mobile Dakwah Unit’ national team where we would be using a 3 sided open panel van to travel to most major cities and rural areas.
Volunteers would then stop these Mobile Dakwah Units at places to be chosen in major towns and public fields.
We would after Isya’ prayers start screening informative documentary films about what Islam truly is and to help the public gain truthful information about our Islamic faith.
The screening will be done using projectors and utilize mobile projection screens when needed or use the area’s building walls when necessary.
Airing informative documentaries through the broadcasting channels doesn’t attract on the field interactions such as what I proposed to the Minister and the JAKIM, IKIM and Syariah DG’s?
We need to return to the basics and approach the public face to face.
We can then after screening such films and documentaries attend to and answer any questions posed by the public as far as matters such as the Hudud Laws of Islam, the subject of apostasy as in the cases of Lina Joy, Subashini and others, this usage of Allah by the Christian Catholic Herald Magazine, and other matters which are being misunderstood by the majority of Malaysians, both Muslims and Disbelievers alike?
By using this direct to the people approach, we will then also be able to distribute booklets, brochures, informative DVD’s and other Islamic Information material for free to the general public.
The Minister supports this idea of mine and asked me to coordinate with JAKIM, IKIM and the Syariah Justice Department to work out the program.
As far as the monetary needs are concerned, the Ministry will help where it can and Datuk Seri Dr Hj Ahmad Zahid Hamidi asked that we here in the MBA come up with about 40 dedicated bloggers whom he wants to join him and the other top government officers in a meeting to discuss this matter proper.
He also said that he wishes to have those of us who attended the meeting at Shangrila Putrajaya to be ready to have an audience with His Majesty, the Yang Di Pertuan Agong soon to address this current situation where Islamophobia has been festering for quite some time without the decisive corrective action be taken by those before him?
Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi also asked that we work in tandem with one another and not to let the cat out of the bag for now for we have enemies both in and out of the ummah.
I am sharing this confidential development with you who are subscribed to and registered with the MBA in total trust that you will not disclose about this meeting between myself, Rocky Bru, Nuraina Samad, those two other bloggers and the Minister and others especially the Director General’s of our nation’s top most Islamic Departments because I need to select and choose those who are willing to be amongst our top 40 MBA delegation to be invited to the next meeting with the Minister and others.
I am also giving you notice for each and every MBA member who is registered with us to update your details in the member profile.
I am going to update the official MBA website with a list of every MBA member with links to their respective blogs for the general public to access and view them.
I need each of you dear MBA members to email me with your full list of personal details for at the moment we do not yet have a proper working committee to prepare all these.
I know that most of us are terribly busy with our own work and personal life’s but this is Fardhu Kifayyah as far as I am concerned for the future of our ummah here in Malaysia depends on what we choose to do in order to see to it that our Deen is protected from the evil designs of our enemies out there, both declared and covert.
You need to be courageous and be firm when speaking up for Islam.
I need you to be with me in seeing to the proper registration and formation of this Muslim Bloggers Alliance.
Today, we have come to be recognized as a legitimate representative of the Muslim Bloggers this side of the world.
The Minister himself has given us his blessings and we stand to be able to contribute officially as an Islamic NGO and do what we can for the ummah and the nation using our collective pool of thoughts and ideas to help our fellow Muslims and Malaysians in general.
I ask that you please email me your full details as per the usual necessary details needed for registering your membership here in the MBA:
1. Full name
2. Full blog address
3. Email address
4. Contact Mobile Number
5. Gender
6. Age
7. Profession
We do not have a secretary yet.
For now it is all up to me and Brother Ades has graciously set up and sponsored our main website. He himself is quite busy with his studies and I do not wish to burden him unnecessarily.
I’m okay with the setting up of this MBA on my own for now but when we are all ready to meet and set up our office in actuality, I hope that those of you who are able to will come forth and do your part by assuming ownership and taking responsibility for the running of the MBA proper.
I do not wish to see this MBA die with me. I need you to carry on after I’m no longer around or unable to if I’m to live to be old and grey in the real sense of the word. 😛
Please resend me your details here to my emails :
Remember, keep this info contained in this email confidential.
I trust you to hold to this in the Name of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.
Wabillahi Taufik Wal Hidayah.
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.