Pahang to act against misuse of Islamic terms

(NST) MUADZAM SHAH: The Pahang government will take action against those who misuse the word “Allah” and other Islamic terms and references, either in written or verbal form, as provided for under the state religious jurisdiction.

State Religious Affairs Committee chairman Datuk Mohamad Sahfri Ab Aziz said the state government would enforce Pahang’s Control and Restriction of the Propagation of Non-Islamic Religious Enactment 1989 on anyone found guilty of such an act.

“We have never enforced the ruling because there has been no complaint of violation reported. But we will not hesitate to take action now,” he said after presenting prizes to the winners of the state-level As-Syura porridge cooking competition here yesterday.

There are 25 words, including Allah, that cannot be used or associated with other religions under the enactment.

Besides Allah, the others include Firman Allah (Allah’s decree), Kaabah (the Holy cubicle), mubaligh (missionary), Qiblat (direction in which the Muslims pray), mufti, iman, Rasul (prophet) and solat (daily prayers).

Those found committing the offence are liable to a maximum fine of RM5,000 or two years’ jail or both.

Shafri said the enactment also allowed the sultan to appoint others, apart from police, to nab those who violated the law. Pahang is the second state after Selangor to have enforced its state religious enactment.
