They are still struggling to get me (part 3) (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)

In short, they are not concerned about the truth of the matter. They do not care whether what Malaysia Today wrote is true or false. They want to know whether what Malaysia Today wrote has managed to ‘turn’ the police officers against their bosses. And if so, then Malaysia Today has committed a crime and I should be charged for an offence under The Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

There are those who would brush off what I write as fantasy, figments of my imagination, or unfounded conspiracy theories. The Umno Bloggers’ response to my article about the burning of the Reichstag and how they are planning to pin the blame of the church attacks on Anwar Ibrahim is a case in point.“Where is the evidence?” they would say. However, when we produce the evidence, they would dispute the authenticity of it or cook up a story to discredit the evidence or suppress it from ever surfacing.

Let us take one example, the Statutory Declaration I signed in April 2008. I have since named the source of my information. In fact, I named him, with his permission of course, during the interrogation I was subjected to in September 2008 when the government detained me under the Internal Security Act.

The Special Branch officer (the Datuk who I have named before) who was in charge of the seven-member interrogation team that recorded my statement over ten days actually admitted that he personally knows the military officer whom I named. My statement was recorded more than a year ago. However, even though that was 16 months ago, the Special Branch has not spoken to this military officer concerned or called him in for his statement to be recorded.

They say I signed a false Statutory Declaration. But they did not charge me for the crime of signing a false Statutory Declaration. Instead, they charged me for criminal defamation. And they totally ignored the source of this information even after I had named him and even when this military officer declared he is prepared to surface and testify if need be.

Are they really interested in the truth and keen to get to the bottom of things? Or are they more concerned with ‘killing the messenger’ and with punishing the whistleblower?

Malaysia Today has published a series of Statutory Declarations signed by police officers and Chinese underworld figures clearly pointing to IGP Musa Hassan as the Don (Taiko) behind the prostitution, drugs, illegal gambling and loan-sharking underworld syndicate. The original and signed copies of these Statutory Declarations were handed to ex-Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who in turn handed them to ex-IGP Tun Hanif Omar.

These Statutory Declarations were signed back in 2007. That is almost three years now. But what have they done about it? Other than call me a liar and accuse Malaysia Today of spinning fabricated stories, what did they do? Did they investigate the allegations? Did they call me in for interrogation and take my statement?

None of the above! Instead, they detained me under the Internal Security Act on fabricated charges, which even the Shah Alam High Court regarded as hogwash when it declared my detention illegal and ordered my release.

Then the government appealed the decision of the Shah Alam High Court and the case went to the Federal Court. Then they tried to sit with a quorum of only two judges and another Federal Court declared this wrong in law and a violation of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia.

So what do they do? Do they reconvene with a three-man panel of judges as what they should do? Okay, Augustine Paul has since transformed into food for worms in the ground. So the question of whether he should recuse or not is now water under the bridge. So, by Act of God, Augustine Paul has been removed after all. And this means they need to replace Augustine Paul with another Federal Court judge and continue to hear the appeal by the government.

But they are not doing this. Instead, they are pressuring the police officers that signed those Statutory Declarations into saying that they never signed them and that Malaysia Today published false documents.

That is how they now plan to get me. That is their new game plan. And if the police officers agree to say that they never signed those Statutory Declarations, and that they are in fact fakes, then they will charge me under Seksyen 256 (4) Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998 (Section 256 (4) of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998).

How do I know this? Is this yet another figment of my imagination and an utter lie? Well, the document below proves that it is fact and not fantasy.

Parts in that statement below which should be noted are as follows:

Question: Adakah anda mendapati atau terdapat apa-apa kesilapan atau butir-butir yang disiarkan di dalam laman blog “Malaysia Today” di bawah tajuk “The Corridors Of Power” adalah tidak betul? (mungkin dari ejaan nama-nama  dan pangkat dll Folio D3 iaitu Statutory Declaration bertarikh 29.08.2009 ditunjukkan kepada saksi).

Answer: Melihat D3, apa-apa yang ditulis ejaan nama-nama dan pangkat adalah seperti kelihatan betul pegawai-pegawai kanan yang saya kenali.

The police officer was asked whether there are any errors or fabrications in what Malaysia Today wrote and the officer replied that it appears correct and that he personally knows all those police officers that signed the Statutory Declarations.

The interrogation continues and basically the ’leading questions’ are an attempt to ‘corner’ the police officer into admitting that Malaysia Today lied, and with ‘seditious tendencies’ on top of that, “bertujuan menghasut sentimen prasangka buruk di kalangan pegawai polis terhadap pucuk pimpinan PDRM” (with intentions to incite the sentiments of the police officers to have a bad opinion of the leadership of the Royal Malaysian Police Force).

And the reply by the police officer was that he did not agree with this opinion: “Saya pernah membaca sebelum ini ada beberapa SD yang kononnya di tulis oleh pegawai polis kita, tapi saya dapati tidak memberi apa-apa kesan pun kepada sesiapa dan saya tidak ambil kisah tentang semua ini selagi tidak memberi kesan kepada awam.  Lagi pun dalam blog tersebut bukan sahaja pegawai polis menjadi sasaran malah ahli politik terutama pemimpin negara turut menjadi sasaran mereka dan dan saya tidak nampak memberi impak kepada awam.

They are trying to get the police officer to admit that after he read what Malaysia Today wrote he now has a poor opinion of the top leadership of the Royal Malaysian Police Force, in particular, of course, the IGP. But the police officer did not say that. Instead, he said he does not believe what Malaysia Today wrote did any harm.

So back to the drawing board! They must now call more police officers for interrogation until at least one of them will ‘admit’ that he always had a good opinion of the IGP and the top leadership of the Royal Malaysian Police Force until he read what Malaysia Today wrote. And since reading what Malaysia Today wrote, he now has a very poor opinion of the IGP and the top leadership of the Royal Malaysian Police Force.

In short, they are not concerned about the truth of the matter. They do not care whether what Malaysia Today wrote is true or false. They want to know whether what Malaysia Today wrote has managed to ‘turn’ the police officers against their bosses. And if so, then Malaysia Today has committed a crime and I should be charged for an offence under The Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.

And the document below proves this, whatever they may say to deny it.

Is this maybe a move to block Malaysia Today so that Malaysian readers can no longer get access to the website?



Statutory Declaration of ASP Hong Kin Hock (G/10990)


Statutory Declaration of ASP Md. Yusof Bin Ahmad (G/10608)


Statutory Declaration of Sarjan Mohd. Yasin Bin Malik (RF/89379)


Statutory Declaration of Detektif Sarjan Raja Kumar (D/104700)


Statutory Declaration of ASP Mior Fahim Bin Ahmad (G/13237)


Statutory Declaration of Sarjan Major Manimaran a/l Palaniappan (D/94894)


Statutory Declaration of Chai Boon Chai @ Ah Wah (No K/P: 730702-04-5356)


Statutory Declaration of Chong Tzeng Hang @ Ah Han (830210-01-5407)


Statutory Declaration by the ADC of the IGP



Translated into Chinese at:

