Who is “Bedy Nx Muneh”?

UMNO Baru’s diminishing popularity since March 2008 is taking a wicked turn for the worse with characters like “Non Partisan” creeping around in Facebook.

By Sharifuddin A. Latiff

Heck, I don’t even know how to pronounce this name.

And you’re probably asking not just who but what all this fuss is about, eh folks.

Well, apparently, this ‘person’ is a Facebook member (i.e. according to that UMNO Baru-managed anti-Herald Facebook group) and the following screenshot was posted in their ‘Photos’ section [1]

The URL link to this image is here.

[2] is the alleged source of the message i.e. pro-Herald Facebook group.

And [3] is the Facebook member ‘Bedy Nx Muneh’ who allegedly wrote –

The screenshot was uploaded into ‘Photos’ section by “Non-Partisan” who also added the following comment –

Strangely, when I did a Facebook search for “Bedy Nx Muneh”, there was ZERO results for this name. I’ve tried generic variations of this name and still got no where.

If you have a Facebook account, you’d know that you need to sign up with the group in order to make any comments.

Thus, if you’re not a member of a particular Facebook group, you’ll get this image on your monitor [4]

Alternatively, if you are, this other image will appear [5] which allows you to make a comment –

Read more at: http://hartalmsm.wordpress.com/2010/01/22/who-is-bedy-nx-muneh/
