KJ: It’s all cyber lies

Honeymah Dylyani, Malaysian Mirror

Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has refuted reports in cyberspace and opposition papers that his members want him out.

He said there was no resolution from the Youth executive council meeting last week for him to step down, adding: “That’s a spin from my detractors in cyberspace.”

He further tweetered: “At least my excos do not call me a dictator without class in public.”

This is an apparent jibe against Penang Chief Minister and DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, who was ridiculed in the media by MPs Zahrain Hashim (Bayan Baru) and Tan Tee Beng (Nibong Tebal).

Zahrain had called the CM a ‘dictator, a chauvinist and a communist’ while Tan had labelled Lim ‘a leader without class who practises vengeful politics.’

Not in tune with Najib?

An article that appeared in some blogs as well as on Harakahdaily, the PAS-owned news portal, stated that some Umno Youth members attending the wing’s executive committee meeting during the weekend had asked Khairy to step down.

The article said several members pointed out that Khairy was not toeing the line of the 1Malaysia administration of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.

It further speculated that two-thirds of the members would resign to pave the way for fresh polls in the wing.

The following are excerpts of Khairy’s comments in his twitter-conversation with the Malaysian Mirror, which asked about the issue.

Najib, in his maiden address as party presiednt at the Umno general assembly…is Khairy out of tune with the PM’s wishes?

“There was no resolution for me to step down. That’s a spin from my detractors in cyberspace.

“We had a frank, open discussion about the direction we’re taking and the programmes for the year. Isn’t that what meetings are for?

“At least my excos do not call me a dictator with no class in public…yet.”

Limit authority, that’s all

In the midst of the conversation, the following comments were received from a fellow twitter:

“All these accusations of abuse of power, dictatorship are missing the point.

“Just introduce legislations to limit authority.

“(In Malay) I feel your fight in Umno, if it has not yet ended, will be resolved for you.

“You need the VPs to help you, at least.

“(In Malay) Before this, Hisham (former Umno Youth head Hishammuddin Hussein) said Umno Youth wants Khairy.

“Now, we do not hear a word from him. You look dead in  the water.”

Deputy chief clarifies

Meanwhile, Umno Youth deputy chief Razali Ibrahim posted in Facebook his comments on the leadership issue, denying that two-thirds of the wing’s  executive committee wants Khairy to step down and make way for a new leader.

“What happened was, they wanted to be involved in doing more for the party.

“Maybe, they were misunderstood and used by certain people against Umno Youth for their (the opponents’) own gain,”

“What was said is this: if we are not capable of carrying out our duties, we should step down.

“It is not just about the leaders but als all the exco members.

Hisham’s stand on the issue

“That was a challenge. It’s not like what is said in the blogs, which tried to show that all the excos wanted to resign.”

Razali also explained the matter to a student group from the Korea Umno Club at the Umno head office here on Sunday.

In Johor Baru, Hishammuddin said calls by some bloggers for Khairy to quit his post were not accurate.

“I understand that the bloggers involved do not know head or tail about what was discussed at the recent Umno Youth executive committee meeting,” the Home Minister and Umno-vice-pressident told reporters Sunday.

He did not dismiss the possibility that the reports were made due to some people’s personal interest. –

