Merdeka poll: Pakatan leads in Perak

(Free Malaysia Today) – Pakatan Rakyat still commands majority support among Perakians with  a Merdeka Centre poll showing  a huge 74 percent of Perak voters still believed that fresh polls were the only way out of the state’s political and constitutional impasse.

According to the poll, PAS leader Nizar Jamaluddin was still the people’s choice for Mentri Besar, commanding an approval rating of 46 percent versus Umno’s Zambry Kadir, who scored 43 percent.

Following a coup d’etat launched last year by Umno-BN, Nizar and Zambry have locked horns over the MB’s post and the Federal Court is due to decide on who the rightful chief minister of Perak should be on February 9.

The Merdeka Centre research firm said it conducted its poll based on a sample population of 805, comprising 382 Malays, 330 Chinese and 93 Indians.

It found that Nizar had the support of 59 percent of the Chinese and 35 percent of the Malays, while Zambry was backed by 57 percent of the Malays and 16 percent of the Chinese.

Perakian were also unimpressed by the BN’s performance since it forcefully toppled the Pakatan state government last February. Less than 40 per cent of the respondents felt that the power grab – which was engineered by Prime Minister Najib Razak – had a positive impact on their state.

