Racial discrimination in Penang?

These “jaguh kampungs” with low-life mentality burnt the memorandum they wanted to hand over to YAB CM Lim Guan Eng. Now who the hell is going to be able to read the memorandum of protest?

By romerz

GEORGE TOWN: A group of Malay non-governmental organizations staged a protest at Komtar here after Friday prayers to object against what they claimed was discrimination in the demolition of illegal hawker stalls, burning an effigy of Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng in the process.

Full story by TheStar OnlineMalay NGOs hold protest, burn effigy of Guan Eng

(Image from Malaysiakini)

The protesters provided no statistics to back their claim of discrimination by the state government against Malays in the state of Penang. Instead it was MPPP who provided the statistics that showed no racial discrimination took place when they acted against illegal hawkers.

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