The Malays are the greatest hope for the multicultural Malaysian nation

Don’t curse me for the segregation but indulge me in my conception of this theory. Whether we like it or not, over 50% of the population are the Malays and they are evenly split between party allegiances.

By R. Shan (Human Being)

However, in this century and at the current crossroads, they are not so akin to religious but more so what is needed for Malaysian humanity to survive. The UMNO/BN government led by Dr M gave them false hopes and his nepotism and cronyism spearheaded a few elite Malays who continue to hold his influence over them similar to what MCA or MIC had in the past.

Today in this generation, it is totally a different ball game. The Malays have assimilated with the Chinese, Indians and lain-lain and all of us are now Malaysians; not some religious or dogmatic principle that those politicans in UMNO/BN have been elucidating.

Let me relate a story. I met MGG Pillai before his demise and spent a considerable time talking to him – an icon of journalism. His biggest hope for change in the country laid in the faith that he had in the Malay youths. He did not worry too much about the Chinese or the Indians but he was very concerned about the Malays as the government had failed to nurture them to the right path. He was always in touch with the grassroots Malays and saw in them the aspiration beyond $$$ for what is good for the multicultural society and nation.

Looking back at some of the things he had said, I think a lot holds true about the Malays. They are faithful, loyal and compassionate towards their fellow beings without malice – bar a few who drives this society away from the non-Malays for their own agendas.

The Non-Malays, ie Chinese, Indians & lain-lain (minus the unfortunate Sarawakians and Sabahans are forever in the twilight zone) think that they are better than the Malays as the system and policies are afforded for the benefit of the Malays. Maybe that is the case, but what the fuck have these politicians done other than using Malay agenda as a platform for their own enrichment? The few elite Malays have used their political muscle to enhance themselves but the heartland Malays are no better than other heartland non-Malays. The few elite Malays have exercised their political power to use religion as a tool by usurping other Muslims from neighboring countries to enhance their cause but just go and ask a heartland Malay. They would rather deal with the Non-Malays/Non-Muslims than those who had just migrated for UMNO/BN to maintain its hegemony.

The fault lies with the Non-Malays as we continue to sway according to the tide without regards to our Malay brothers and sisters in creating the balance in Malaysia. You want an example, look at Reformasi and how Barisan Alternatif fared in the 1999 election. The Malays were split but the Non-Malays were unsure and handed the mandate to UMNO/BN.

Now look at 2008. HINDRAF, along with our Malay brothers and sisters, created such a tsunami for what is the conscience and the reality that they were able to deprive UMNO/BN of the two-third parliamentary seats.

The gist of this article is, we the Non-Malays, irrespective of our origin must have faith in our Malay brothers and sisters as they an integral part of the Malaysian society. We must not bring religion, beliefs, creed or origin for humanity to sustain and survive in Malaysia to overcome UMNO/BN.

