Police probe Raja Petra’s son attempted suicide

(Bernama) – Police are investigating Raja Azman Raja Petra’s motive in hurting himself. Raja Azman is the son of Malaysia Today editor, Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin.

Last Monday Raja Azman, who is current serving a jail sentence was hurt was found having swallowed a razor blade.

Bukit Aman Crime Investigation Department Deputy Director I (Intelligence/Operation) Datuk Hadi Ho Abdullah said the investigation was conducted with the cooperation of the Prisons Department.

“A report lodged on Feb 8 by the Prisons Department at the Batu Arang police station, Rawang, soon after the incident, has been received. In fact, they have also provided information in connection with the case to assist our investigation.

“The investigation is more directed to efforts on identifying Raja Azman’s motive in doing so,” he said in a statement here today.

Raja Azman, 34, was remanded at the Sungai Buloh prison pending his trail on four charges involving housebreaking and stealing.

He was detained at the prison since May 19 last year for failing to post bail. Hadi Ho said the case was being investigated for attempted suicide.

Meanwhile, the Prisons Department has set up a board of inquiry to investigate the case, as well as identify the actual cause of the incident.

A statement from its secretariat unit today, stated that initial investigations found no elements of abuse, torture, pressure or force made against the detainee.

“He not only swallowed a sharp object, but also injured his wrist. He is now placed under strict monitoring by the hospital and his condition is reported stable,” it said. 

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Malay educated Bernama journalists got it wrong again. Raja Azman is under remand and not serving a jail sentence like they say. See how dangerous it is when you employ Malay journalists who think that ultra virus means insulting the Sultan of Perak? 

