Look who is talking! (UPDATED with BM and Chinese Translation)
That is the credibility of all these people. They originally came from Umno. They cursed Umno. They swore in the name of Allah to never rejoin Umno. Even their mothers promised to curse them if they rejoined Umno. Then they go and rejoin Umno.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
PKR leaders should rethink support for Anwar, says Rais
LONDON, Feb 13 — The resignation of yet another Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) stalwart should make leaders rethink the support given to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said.
He said the resignation of Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohamed Hashim, the Member of Parliament for Bayan Baru, showed that PKR had lost the potential to contribute to the DAP-PKR-PAS coalition.
“This piece of news is a shake-up for the politics of PKR and the opposition,” he told reporters at Restoran Jom Makan, a popular Malaysian restaurant here.
Commenting on Zahrain’s resignation from PKR, he said the matter should be addressed by Anwar and that he should stop confusing the people.
“The loss of support for Anwar means that PKR is incapable of running the party and contribute to the opposition.”
Rais said political observers agreed that Zahrain’s resignation was not only worrying for PKR members but also other opposition parties.
“One main reason is that the people can see that the 1Malaysia concept promotes social justice while PKR, PAS and DAP has nothing to offer.”
He described developments in PKR as a bonus for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak whose sincerity via 1Malaysia would bring economic change and look after the people’s welfare.
“PKR leaders should think twice about supporting Anwar who was said ready to takeover the government. It is just a nightmare that will not become a reality.”
Rais said the resignation of Zahrain, the Penang PKR former chief was directly linked to Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.
“Guan Eng had failed to reduce the difference in opinion leading to the resignation of PKR leaders including a former deputy chief minister,” he added. — Bernama
Rais Yatim was one of the pioneers of Semangat 46, the Umno Baru nemesis in 1988. Rais, Ibrahim Ali, and many other Semangat 46 leaders, said at that time that they would never rejoin Umno even if they died and were reborn. They said they would never lick back their spit. They also said that when Dr Tun Mahathir Mohamad dies they are going to piss on his grave (saya akan kencing atas kubur Mahathir).
And Rais was amongst those who said all this. But he later rejoined Umno while Dr Mahathir was still its President as well as the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Rais, therefore, did lick back his spit. And he did not need to die and be reborn before he rejoined Umno.
Rais got his doctorate for writing a thesis that was opposed to the Internal Security Act (ISA). When asked later why he has now changed his stand and supports the ISA when he was originally opposed to it, and even got his doctorate for his thesis that opposed it, he replied that his thesis was merely an ‘academic exercise’ and it does not necessarily mean that that is his stand.
During his Semangat 46 days, Rais and his gang went round the country giving talks whacking Umno and Dr Mahathir. They said that Umno and Dr Mahathir have insulted the Malay Rulers and have eroded the powers of the Rulers. Umno and Dr Mahathir are traitors to the Malay Rulers and the Malay race, argued Rais.
The Father of Independence and First Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, hated Umno. He refused to rejoin Umno and died as a Semangat 46 member. The same for Tun Hussein Onn, the Third Prime Minister of Malaysia, who also refused to rejoin Umno and died as a non-Umno member.
And, of course, the same for Rais who also said he would rather die than rejoin Umno. Today, however, he is not only an Umno member but also a minister and the ‘spokesman’ for the party.
There are many who were once in Semangat 46 or Parti Keadilan Rakyat who shouted the same rhetoric. For example, Ezam Mohd Nor, once the Youth Leader of Keadilan, plus his entire Youth EXCO, went round the country swearing a sacred oath called Sumpah Keramat (sacred oath). And this Sumpah Keramat was a sacred oath to Allah that they would NEVER rejoin Umno and that their mission is to see the destruction of Umno.
In the name of God they would never rejoin Umno. In the name of God their mission is to bring down Umno. Today, they are all back in Umno. Their sacred oath to God or Sumpah Keramat came to nought in the end.
I once did a video recording of Ezam’s mother where she said that she will curse her son if he ever rejoins Umno. I made a VCD of that interview and distributed it throughout Malaysia.
To the Malays, a mother’s curse is a very serious matter because they believe that heaven lies beneath the feet of your mother. Ezam, of course, did rejoin Umno together with most of his EXCO members who had taken that sacred oath or Sumpah Keramat.
That is the credibility of all these people. They originally came from Umno. They cursed Umno. They swore a sacred oath in the name of Allah to never rejoin Umno. Even their mothers promised to curse them if they rejoined Umno. Then they go and rejoin Umno.
Can we take the word of these types of people? Do what they say matter? Or should they just be ignored as people who have no pendirian (stand) and people who we should not take seriously?
Translated into Chinese at: http://ccliew.blogspot.com/2010/03/blog-post_7392.html
Translated into BM by Jason:
Mengata orang, dia yang lebih!
Nah, tulah kredibiliti dia orang semua. Asalnya, mereka dari UMNO. Mereka mengutuk UMNO. Mereka bersumpah atas nama Allah bahawa mereka takkan kembali menyertai UMNO. Bahkan ibu mereka berjanji untuk mengutuk mereka jika mereka kembali ke pangkuan UMNO. Tetapi mereka kembali juga kepada UMNO.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Rais Yatim adalah salah seorang pelopor Semangat 46, iaitu musuh UMNO baru pada tahun 1988. Pada waktu itu, Rais, Ibrahim Ali, dan ramai lagi pemimpin Semangat 46 berkata bahawa jika mereka mati hidup semula sekalipun, mereka takkan kembali kepada UMNO. Mereka kata bahawa mereka takkan jilat balik ludah mereka. Mereka juga kata bahawa apabila Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad meninggal dunia nanti, mereka akan kencing di atas kuburnya.
Rais adalah antara individu yang mengatakan semua ini. Tetapi dia kemudiannya menyertai semula UMNO di ketika Dr. Mahathir masih merupakan Presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Nampaknya, si Rais menjilat kembali ludahnya sendiri dan dia tak pula perlu mati hidup semula sebelum kembali kepada UMNO.
Rais mendapat ijazah kedoktorannya berasaskan tesis yang menentang Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA). Apabila dia kemudiannya ditanya tentang sebab dia menukar pendiriannya dan menyokong ISA sedangkan pada mulanya, dia menentangnya, malah mendapat ijazah kedoktoran berasaskan tesis yang menentang ISA, dia menjawab bahawa tesis itu hanyalah suatu ‘latihan akademik’ dan tidak menggambarkan pendiriannya.
Sepanjang pembabitannya dalam Semangat 46, Rais dan gengnya pergi ke seluruh pelusuk negara dan menyampaikan ceramah yang menghentam UMNO dan Dr Mahathir. Mereka mengatakan bahawa UMNO dan Dr. Mahathir telah menghina Raja-raja Melayu dan menghakis kuasa mereka. Kata Rais, UMNO dan Dr. Mahathir adalah pengkhianat Raja-raja dan bangsa Melayu.
Bapa Kemerdekaan dan Perdana Menteri pertama Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman membenci UMNO. Dia enggan menyertai semula UMNO dan meninggal dunia sebagai ahli Semangat 46. Begitu juga dengan Tun Hussein Onn, Perdana Menteri ketiga Malaysia yang juga enggan menyertai semula UMNO dan tidak meninggal dunia sebagai ahli UMNO.
Rais pun samalah, yang mana dia mengatakan bahawa dia lebih rela mati daripada kembali kepada UMNO. Walau bagaimanapun, hari ni, dia bukan saja ahli UMNO, tetapi juga adalah seorang menteri dan juga ‘jurucakap’ bagi parti itu.
Terdapat ramai orang dahulunya dalam Semangat 46 ataupun Parti Keadilan Rakyat yang mendendangkan retorik yang sama. Contohnya, Ezam Mohd Nor yang pernah menjadi Ketua Pemuda Keadilan dan juga keseluruhan EXCO Pemudanya pergi ke seluruh negara dan melakukan sumpah yang dipanggil Sumpah Keramat. Sumpah Keramat yang mereka ambil adalah sumpah atas nama Allah bahawa mereka TAKKAN menyertai semula UMNO dan bahawa misi mereka adalah menghapuskan UMNO.
Mereka bersumpah dengan nama Tuhan bahawa mereka takkan menyertai semula UMNO. Misi mereka adalah menghancurkan UMNO. Tetapi hari ni, mereka semua dah kembali ke pangkuan UMNO. Nampaknya, Sumpah Keramat mereka hanya sekadar sumpah kosong semata-mata.
Saya pernah melakukan rakaman video ke atas ibu Ezam, di mana dia mengatakan bahawa dia akan mengutuk anaknya jika dia menyertai semula UMNO. Saya menghasilkan VCD temubual tu dan mengedarkannya ke seluruh Malaysia.
Bagi orang Melayu, sumpahan seorang ibu adalah perkara yang sangat serius kerana mereka percaya bahawa syurga terletak di bawah tapak kaki ibu. Tetapi Ezam dan sebahagian besar daripada EXCO Pemudanya yang melakukan Sumpah Keramat itu akhirnya menyertai semula UMNO.
Nah, tulah kredibiliti dia orang semua. Asalnya, mereka dari UMNO. Mereka mengutuk UMNO. Mereka bersumpah atas nama Allah bahawa mereka takkan kembali menyertai UMNO. Bahkan ibu mereka berjanji untuk mengutuk mereka jika mereka kembali ke pangkuan UMNO. Tetapi mereka kembali juga kepada UMNO.
Bolehkah kita mempercayai kata-kata orang jenis macam ni? Penting sangatkah apa yang dia orang kata? Atau haruskah mereka diabaikan sebagai orang yang tidak berpendirian, yang mana kata-kata mereka tidak perlu diambil pusing?