The RAZAK hypothesis

And now the end is near, the premier faces his final curtain.

The RAHMAN Theory is coming to a close. The last name in the theory is being flushed out from underneath the sea by a floating submarine and a host of other lurid scandals. Shocking it may seems, these juicy scandals are coming to surface one after another edging the last name in the theory closer to his demise.

As with RAHMAN Theory, if it can be called one; it is interesting if we can put forward a new hypothesis. We call it RAZAK Hypothesis perhaps for the namesake was the father of the last name in the RAHMAN line-up. Finishing the 50 year old theory with a fresh hypothesis is like a father handing a baton to the son, or is it a case of the son rushing towards finishing the run?

It is fascinating to note why scandals of the MINDEF keeps on surfacing long after the now famous caretaker left the office. Something fishy but that is what rotten fish smells like, dead fish. We certainly rejoice with more and more such explicit revelations emerge. Is there a pact between the defence minister and the deputy prime minister? Events are certainly pointing in the same direction and more occurrences in the coming months will uncover more that will demonstrate a form of grand design? We certainly hope so.

With the last of the UMNO premier, there will be successions of non-UMNO stalwarts who will helm the nation.

It will come soon enough, the incarceration of the unofficial head of the loose coalition, Pakatan Rakyat. The poor fellow will surely be sent to jail along a plan of removing the bind that holds the coalition together. Will it be as simple as that or will it as always be a case of divine intervention where the Supreme Being is always proven to be the Best of Planners?

With an eventual jailing of the head of opposition coalition, there will be turmoil. This period of unrest and confusion will swiftly subside. But in complete contrast with the May 13, 1969 riot, this period of disorder is peaceful. There will be no bloodshed. Nobody buys the police intelligence unit’s version of blood-curdling and killing-spree people’s power. The great man aka the Hermit of Langgak Golf as the late MGG Pillai used to label the man will rise to the occasion. He will take over leadership of the opposition coalition.

