Screwing Women

By John Doe 

“KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – An official says Malaysian prison authorities have caned three Muslim women for having extramarital sex…”

Read it here:  

Wasn’t it just a short while ago that Kartika was left in Limbo because Authorities supposedly couldn’t find any Female Caners? One cannot help but applaud the Malaysian government for how quickly these female caners have been located, and trained. Or were they canned by MEN? 

Now what will happen to Kartika? Is her turn next? And if so, when will it be? Can the Press watch? 
Also, when will it be the turn for Males to be caned for having extra-Marital Sex? Aren’t all humans created equal? I’ve asked before about how come some are more “equal than others”. We can start by looking at the numerous numbers of Prostitute Centres and Karaoke Lounges to immediately see the popularity of extra-marital sex. One could argue about the CarpetMan, but that is another discussion. Also, why wasn’t Razak Baginda caned for his frolic with Altantuya? Or the “PD incident” involving Najib? Are men above the Law when it comes down to issues like this? 
Wives, I ask you, is it acceptable for your husbands to screw other women? Sometimes young and underaged girls as well? Some of these girls were trafficked. Some were sold by their parents, and a host of other reasons. Are women merely reduced to being nothing but sex-objects to gratify the desires of men? How many Kelantanese have second wives, and mistresses across the border? How many go there just for the Thai Prostitutes? Some are even imported from Laos. How many Perlis men have secret and/or second wives and mistresses, until the Perlis Government has to officially Advertise in their Official Perlis-Tourism Brochures that they need not get their First Wife’s permission to have a second, or third, or fourth wife registered in Perlis? Think I’m joking? Go pick up a copy yourself! So, instead of caning them, you decide to legalize it instead! Why not legalize Polyandry then? Why is Polygamy only for MEN? Shouldn’t women have that same right as well? 

It still surprises me that women-folk are taking this sitting down. “Don’t bring shame to the Family” seems to be the resounding echo. Maybe, but what happens when your dick-itchy-husband brings back diseases? What happens when you and your children get AIDs or HIV from your “wandering husband” who decided to sow his “royal oats” in another woman’s Vagina, Mouth or Anus? Do the math. Look at the stats provided. Give a phone call to WAO, Sisters in Islam, or even WCC in Penang.

Who loses when these things happen? What about the young girls who have been in contact with your husband? What happens to them? What happens when men who decide to have sex for recreational purposes infect them with Diseases? 

This is not a Male-Bashing Session. This is an Equality Discussion. Sad to say, there is NONE!!

    The Bible, in Deutoronomy specifically dictates: 
    22:21 But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the unmarried woman.

    22:22then they shall bring out the woman to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones so that she will die… 

So the Bible prescribes the killing of a non-virgin wife. Muslim Brothers can quote me their equivalent Hadith as well. Yes, the one which explains all that dancing around with the bedsheet immediately after they have sex on the first night; to show blood-stains and all ….

Unfortunately, most fail to read just one verse later, which says: 
23 If a man is found to be sleeping with another man’s wife, then both the man, and the woman whom he was sleeping with should DIE!!!

It’s not just caning, my friends; it is STONING to DEATH!!! 

I’ll just assume that Christians are allowed to pick and choose what they wish to follow in the Bible, or not. By the same rationale, the same should also apply to Muslims, who, by the same logic should also be allowed to pick-and-choose whatever they wish either from the Koran, or the Hadith then. That sounds fair enough. If this be so, then how come Sky Kingdom was forced to shut down then? As one MT reader put it, what happened to Emak Pin (new Polyandry Religious Group)? Whatever you all may decide, let us never forget that “Allah” has been copyrighted by UMNO. That, we must all remember, friends. And if one tries to argue, the more Barbeques might happen (sigh). “And if you’re not happy, then you Pendatangs who are sons of Beggars and Prostitutes should Leave ….”, so saith UMNO. Looks like we need inter-faith dialogues more than ever now!! 

In closing, I challenge readers of MT to start listing Prositution Centres, with their addresses, along with the names of their owners to bring to light this monstrosity of an act being carried out under our very noses. I’ll start by naming “D’Boss” on the way to Cheras, from Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka. Favourite hangout of Contractors, and Developers. PDRM, please shut them down. No? Are you collecting Ang Pows from them too? I heard that Ang Pows are in the ballpark of RM15k-35k per month per-outlet. No? What about the free cigarettes, or free alcohol which they serve you when you make your rounds there? It comes from “expired bottles” of Customers. Yes, I’m rather familiar with the system by which they operate. I have enough Deep Throats in this Industry.

Hang around Modesto’s, or Hard Rock Cafe, to see who picks who up every night. That’s so obviously easy to do. Plus, it’s so blatant, no one even bats an eyelid anymore. 

Nuff said. If women want to continue to be subjugates of men, or second-class humans, then there is absolutely nothing anyone can do for you. After all, “Wives, obey your husbands ….”
