Welcome to Talibanist Malaysia

Reading the Star today, I was overcome with the frightening knowledge that Talibanist Malaysia is now a reality. God help us all. Seriously, we have now unceremoniously entered the era of Talibanism and how we will reverse ourselves and usher in an era of enlightened Islam is beyond me. Things have got from bad to worse and this latest news is a sign of things to come.

By Farouk A. Peru 

Let us consider this event. 3 Muslim women have now been caned for having illicit sex. 2 of them were caned 6 times and the third was whipped 4 times. Further details of the case wasn’t given. We don’t even know who these women were and we weren’t told if there were any witnesses to their offences. What we do know is that these women were not injured in their punishment. That’s one plus at least.

The question arises as to how these punishments were decided. We were told that the punishments were decided by the Federal Territory Syariah High Court. No transparency is given, no opportunity for discussion. Nothing of the sort. Have these punishments even been gazetted to the public? Nothing was said in the news. No, this is how Malaysian Syariah law is carried out. Behind closed doors far from any kind of scrutiny.

Is this punishment Islamic at all? I would argue that it isn’t. Some may suggest that this punishment is from the Quranic punishment against fornicators and adulterors (found in chaper 24, verse 2) but I disagree for the following reasons:

1. The condition of this punishment is when there exists ‘deenillah’ (24/2) or when God’s system is in establishment. This condition exists when people enter willingly into God’s system in droves (110/1-2). Therefore the people must unanimously agree that this punishment is to be established. The Quran doesn’t force punishments on people who haven’t agreed to it beforehand

2. The punishment is 100 lashes, not 6 or 4. So we need to ask why the court sees it fit to reject God’s prescription and decide their own.  No jailing at all is mentioned. So who gave the authority to the Syariah court to override Quranic law?

Read more at: Welcome to Talibanist Malaysia
