Whipped into shape

(The Malaysian Mirror) MONTHS earlier, we were given the impression that Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno would have been the first woman to be caned, under syariah law, for consuming beer.

Today, we are appalled to read that three women were whipped recently for having extra-marital sex. The image of Malaysia as a modern, moderate and progressive Muslim country is fast eroding.

Malays and Muslims must feel the restraint of two laws, civil and syariah, burdensome and count themselves as possibly the most oppressed in the nation. Muslim women, in particular already suffer intense discrimination.

Although the details are sketchy, the three women were found guilty of illicit sex. Their punishments included caning and a jail sentence. The furtive manner this case was reported has also taken many women NGOs by surprise.

The Kartika episode, fresh in everybody’s mind, is still under review; it courted numerous legal and political wrangles. This latest case, however, has even prompted the Bar Council president to issue a statement questioning why the punishment on the three women was allowed to proceed, especially as the issue of caning women, was still being debated.

Undoubtedly, Malaysians must fear the rising threat of Islamic fundamentalism in the country. According to the Home Minister, the whipping ‘did not leave a mark’. This is of no consequence. Corporal punishment including whipping, is barbaric. The lessons learnt are short-term.


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