Human Rights Party Malaysia (Penang) welcomes volunteers

Human Rights Party Malaysia (Penang) welcomes volunteers to assist with its many social and welfare programmes that are evolving and expanding far greater than we thought. We welcome volunteers to assist us in obtaining birth certificates and ICs for the poor and uneducated, look into poverty related problems in under privileged families, get welfare help for those qualified, etc. We also welcome volunteers to aid our other social functions.

If you could spare a few hours in a week in our welfare programmes, you can help bring light into the lives of many poverty stricken, uneducated and underprivileged Indian families in Penang.

Service to mankind is indeed service to God! Many great saints and sages lived their lives embodied in Karma Yoga. Selfless service to mankind not only brings absolute satisfaction, but also purifies our hearts.

So, come forward ladies and gentlemen! Come and serve our sisters and brothers who are in dire need of help and together we build a better tomorrow for them in this country.

Those who are interested, kindly contact us at the numbers provided below:

  1. Mr. Kalai – 0125637614
  2. Mr. Kanna – 0174155449
  3. Mr. Sundar-  0164907650
  4. Mr. Annadurai – 0174107244

Or, write to our HRP coordinator at [email protected]

Thank you very much and looking forward to hearing from all of you.


HRP Penang
