Najib fears local elections, refuses to empower rakyat

If there is ‘too much’ focus on the political process, why bother with freakin’ elections at all??

By Nat Tan

Looks like Najib is wasting no time in the question of local elections.

“We feel it will increase politicking in the local (govt) level.

“We want to improve services for the rakyat. By having the (local government) election, the focus will be more on the political process.

“Those contesting will be more focussed on campaigning,” he told reporters after attending the National Civil Service Convention here Tuesday.

What idiocy.

This represents a fundamental disrespect for the ideals of democracy.

If there is ‘too much’ focus on the political process, why bother with freakin’ elections at all?? Might as well become dictator for life, which will of course give you all the time in the world to focus on ‘improving services’ for the rakyat right?

(I think in Najib’s case, he’s more keen on being serviced by the rakyat 😛 )

Yes, democracy is flawed and people sometimes spend too much time worrying about votes. But there is a reason people remember Churchill’s “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others”.

The essence of democracy is competition and choice – the empowering of the rakyat to remove their leaders. Without true democracy, power and impunity (and what impunity we have in Malaysia) continue to corrupt absolutely.

At its best, local elections ensures competitiveness in service delivery, in which as always the consumer benefits the most.

So Dtk Najib, you can take your cronyism and tyranny and shove it.

Read more at: Najib fears local elections, refuses to empower rakyat
