The recipe for economic serfdom

The economic ideas of Ibrahim Ali and his cub friends are not difficult to identify. He has supporters of such economic ideas among old school UMNO leaders. His PERKASA has the support of Dr Mahathir who can largely be credited with putting in place many of the economic measures which the current PM is seeking to dismantle.

It’s all about placing near absolute powers in the hands of an economic clique which alone will determine what’s good for the Malays at large. It’s a benevolent despot’s version of economics. It has been a system that has created, in the words of Mr. Walla the following situation:-

In the last almost forty years, the entire political script of this country has been written by a bunch of racial hypomaniacs and rent-collecting cronies which have chalked up their personal bank accounts by running this country into the ground.

That’s the crux of the matter really. PM Najib must clearly disengage his administration from this apparition called Perkasa and MPM. Maybe it’s just a Trojan horse backed by DR Mahathir who is stalking PM Najib. How do we know, perhaps the PERKASA and MPM are actually the extensions of the hawkish side of UMNO and its presence is countenanced and supported by the life giving system of UMNO style intrigue and political subterfuge? To allay our apprehensions and suspicions, the PM must distance his administration from Ibrahim Ali’s guerrilla groupings. Why is the deputy head of PERKASA appointed as the boss of JASA?

The truth is, Malays at large don’t require some supranational body to speak on our behalf anymore. They and those before them have screwed up everything.

Let me put it in blunt terms.

Look at the whole government system. All the district officers are Malays. Most of the ADOs are Malays. The officers too. All the Pengarahs are Malays. All the MBs are Malays. The head of the judiciary, police, army and other uniform bodies are almost all Malays. The kings and Agongs are all Malays. You have Malays in power since 1957 and these Malays have put in place a governing system that is supposed to uplift all Malays. Now look at the accomplishments.

