Kingmakers and comedians

But, it is a reflection of their stupidity and mental subservience to outside forces to think that by toppling the president, party unity will be achieved by a new team of second rate leaders, not yet matured enough to assume leadership roles
By Matthias Chang, Malaysian Mirror

THE ‘kingmakers’ of the MCA, whether from within or without, have always paid a heavy price at the general elections for having insulted and abused the intelligence of the Chinese voters and the community.
The comedy of (former deputy president)  Dr Chua Soi Lek and (former vice-president) Liow Tiong Lai boycotting the party’s AGM, sheepishly followed by the heads of the Youth and Women’s wings, is an indication of how far down these leaders have degenerated into the gutter level of subservient politics.
One cannot but question the motives of these political comedians when they and their supporters submitted their resignation as central committee members a few days before the AGM.
These same political charlatans have previously agreed to hold the AGM on March 7.
Their infantile theatrics
The AGM is the highest decision making body of the party, for that matter any organisation.
So, what was it that instilled so much fear (or what were the inducements offered by the kingmakers) that they deemed it fit to scuttle the AGM at the 11th hour?
Whatever may be the case, their very actions have smeared the integrity of the party which they have professed to protect and redeem as a result of the MCA’s political defeat  at the last general elections in March, 2008.
In their attempts to embarrass and humiliate the president, they have actually insulted the Chinese community by their infantile theatrics!
They could still have their elections after the AGM, by having 21 members of the central committee resign in accordance with the party’s constitution.
But, it is a reflection of their stupidity and mental subservience to outside forces to think that by toppling the president, party unity will be achieved by a new team of second rate leaders, not yet matured enough to assume leadership roles
