We demand our freedom!

Malaysian people are deprived of the freedom to learn the truth of the Mahathir years. We therefore make the scanned copy of the book available here, to overcome the dirty tactic of the UMNO-BN government.

By Malaysian Maverick


To Mahathir – If you did no wrong to the country, let the rakyat judge the truth by themselves.

To Kerishamuddin, the third-rate home minister – Have some gut: either ban the book or let it go. Don’t be lawless yourself and taint the good name of your father.

The Malaysian government has not banned the book but it withheld hundreds of copies of the book before it can hit the bookshops, Malaysian people are deprived of the freedom to learn the truth of the Mahathir years. We therefore make the scanned copy of the book available here, to overcome the dirty tactic of the UMNO-BN government. This is clearly a loss of income to the respectable author, Barry Wain. Therefore only low-quality scanned copy is made available. If you can afford it, please purchase your copy from Singapore or Amazon. Thank you.

Read more at: http://malaysianmaverick.info/ 

Volunteers wanted If you can help to translate this book to Malay, Chinese and Tamil, please contact us. Your help will make sure that all Malaysians of all backgrounds and ability can know the truth of those 23 years under Mahathir.



