Exercise your freedom before you lose it!

Malaysiakini reports that minister in the PM’s department, Nazri Aziz, in his reply to a question in parliament about automatic registration of voters, had said NO. That I could have understood if he had given reasons based on technical reasons, like security issues through the loss of MyCard, or that the electoral database is currently not fully linked with other databases from NRD, ie. deaths, those coming of age, changing addresses, etc.

Instead his reason is the government respects the freedom of choice of Malaysia’s citizens!

By romerz

MalaysiakiniGov’t rejects automatic registration of voters

This reason beats it all when coming from a top-down government who take it upon themselves that they know what is best for you and me, the ordinary citizens who are most affected when these know-it-all bastards sneezes or have a hang-nail on their little pinkies! When have they worried about our choices? Just look at Perak, look at the government’s refusal for local elections, and look at how UMNO/BN operates in parliament, amongst others.

In parliament, despite dissenting views from the more moderate of UMNO/BN, whenever there is a government sponsored bill to be voted upon, Nazri with his party whip will crack it so that all MPs under the BN umbrella will vote with the government – or else. Not even on issues which divides the country and that our elected representatives could vote according to their conscience and wishes of the constituents they represent!

So much for freedom of choice! I’ve not researched on the topic of voting in parliament but as far as I know, in the many years since Mahathir’s ascension to power, UMNO/BN has never lifted the whip to allow their MPs to vote according to conscience.

Read more at: Exercise your freedom before you lose it!
