IGP dodges questions on ‘third force’, law degree

By Syed Jaymal Zahiid, The Malaysian Insider

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan refused today to comment on a rash of controversies surrounding him, including his allegation of a plot to remove him as the country’s top police officer.

The IGP was asked by reporters at a Police Day celebration here, to explain his claim of a “third force” that was trying to remove him from his job.

He was also asked about allegations made by the opposition yesterday that he had lied about his law degree during Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s first sodomy trial in 1998.

Musa, however, avoided answering any of the questions.

He then claimed to have already explained the issue surrounding his “third force” allegation.

“It is over. I have already explained it yesterday so there is nothing more to say,” he said, in a reply to a question on his third force claims.

Attempts to elicit a response over his law degree claims drew a terse response, with Musa saying, “Let it be investigated,” before abruptly ending the press conference, which was held after the 203rd National Police Day celebration at the police training centre here.

The IGP is currently under heavy pressure, following his revelation of an external force, which he claimed was influencing the operations of the police.

Musa made the disclosure in an interview with a weekend edition of a Malay daily last Sunday. He claimed this third force consisted of influential “politicians” who are dictating police operations.


