Friday jottings (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)

Remember, I too did swear that someone told me something. No doubt I swore that in a Statutory Declaration. I did not swear on the Quran. But if Zul insists then I will arrange to swear on the Quran in front of an imam of a mosque that what I signed in my Statutory Declaration is true, as I had been informed, so help me God.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

UK Parliament, 24 March 2010 : Column 349W

Raja Petra Kamarudin

Mr. Keith Simpson: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what reports his Department has received on allegations that Mr. Raja Petra Kamarudin may be in exile in the UK; and if he will make a statement. [323620]

Mr. Ivan Lewis: I have been asked to reply.

Our high commission in Kuala Lumpur has reported on speculation in Malaysia that Raja Petra Kamarudin may be in the United Kingdom. We are not in a position to comment on or to confirm such speculation.


As I said in a previous article, the Malaysian Parliament wasted two whole weeks of the current session dabbling in petty issues and personal matters when it should instead be debating matters of national importance. Have you heard the saying ‘fiddling while Rome burns’?

Anyway, just to digress a bit, the day that Zulkilfi Noordin raised the matter of some unknown people attempting to bribe him to implicate ‘the First Couple’ in the Altantutya murder, UK’s Parliament was asked about me (see above).

I will not comment further and will leave it to you to draw your own conclusions on this matter. It appears, however, that the word ‘exile’ was used. So, while Parliament did not receive a confirmation as to whether I am or am not in the UK, it looks like the British government has declared my status as that of an exile.

Assuming I am in the UK, would the Malaysian government dare launch extradition proceedings against me? Sedition is not a crime in the UK. It used to be a crime in the days when the King of England was believed to have been appointed by God. But that law has never been used for some time and on 1 January 2010 Britain repealed the Sedition Act.

So no such law exists any longer. Therefore, under the ‘dual criminality’ clause, if a certain act is a crime in Malaysia but not in the UK, then the Malaysian government can’t extradite that person.

For example, two men can get married in the UK, sometimes even in church. And when Elton John got married to his boyfriend a couple of years ago, they did not arrest him for sodomy and send him to jail. Instead he received a congratulatory message from the British Prime Minister. Therefore, this means if you face sodomy charges in Malaysia (sex between two consenting male adults), and you are now in the UK, Malaysia can’t extradite you.

On the criminal defamation issue, this law still exists in the UK but it has not been used for a long time. In fact, the last time it was used (I think it was 20 or 30 years ago), the court threw the case out and the government lost the case. The court ruled that they should take a civil defamation suit instead of using the criminal defamation law.

Anyway, even if the Malaysian government still wants to try to extradite me it will need to prove its case in a British court and convince the court that it has a case against me. And to do that it would need to bring the evidence to court — which means you must first read what I said in my Statutory Declaration.

Yes, the contents of my Statutory Declaration would need to be scrutinised to see in what way I defamed the people I am alleged to have defamed. What did I say in my Statutory Declaration? And did what I say tantamount to criminal defamation?

What I said is that someone had told me something. And I revealed what this someone had told me and urged the prosecutors in the Altantuya murder trial to investigate this matter and get to the bottom of the allegation. I did not say this is what I allege. I said this is what the other person alleged. I also said that I felt it was my duty to bring it to the attention of the government so that they can establish whether this allegation is true or not.

How is the Malaysian government going to convince the UK court that this act of mine tantamount to criminal defamation? Furthermore, what constitutes criminal defamation? And does the Deputy Prime Minister’s wife come under the category where if you defame her, assuming I did, then it would be criminal in nature (seeing that she does not work for the government)?

Yes, the Malaysian government has so many hurdles to clear. The legal system in the UK does not work like it does in Malaysia. To establish that I am in the UK is the first hurdle. And once this has been established, they then have to start the legal process. And the legal process must comply with British legal standards and not Malaysian legal standards, which have no standards to speak of.

Not that easy is it?

No, I am not on the run, as Umno says. I am doing what Chairman Mao and Sun Tzu taught me. Never engage the enemy on their turf. Make them come to your turf then engage them. So, I have built my trench, plonked myself in it, and am waiting for the enemy to come get me. That is not called running. That is called drawing the enemy to your turf so that you can massacre them.

The Talibans also taught me this. When the Talibans realised that the Russians had just too much firepower — with their tanks, rockets and helicopter gun-ships — they withdrew to the mountains. The Talibans did not run. They retreated to the mountains so that the Russians would follow them. Then, with their antique weapons, the Talibans whacked the Russians good and proper and sent them running back to Moscow with their tails between their legs.

You see; the Talibans are experts in mountain warfare while the Russians are powerful on the plains. So why engage the Russians on the plains where they will make mincemeat out of you? Go to the mountains where the tanks can’t climb and where you can get a good shot of the helicopters. In no time Afghanistan became Russia’s Vietnam.

Aiyah, Umno is such a novice in the art of war lah.

Next, about Zul Noordin’s statement that the Prime Minister swore on the Quran that he does not know Altantuya and that that is good enough for him (Zul). First of all, Najid did not swear on the Quran that he does not know Altantuya. He just swore that he does not know ‘that Mongolian woman’. Secondly, if by swearing on the Quran then that is good enough for Zul, does this mean if I too swear on the Quran that someone told me something then that is also good enough for him? Or is it not good enough?

Remember, I too did swear that someone told me something. No doubt I swore that in a Statutory Declaration. I did not swear on the Quran. But if Zul insists then I will arrange to swear on the Quran in front of an imam of a mosque that what I signed in my Statutory Declaration is true, as I had been informed, so help me God.

Does Zul want me to do this? Over to you Zul! The ball is now at your feet. Just say the word and consider it done.

Hell, if swearing on the Quran is good enough then we do not need lawyers or prisons. There would be no one in jail. Aiyah, Lawyer Zul, what are you talking about lah?

On another topic, a few months ago, the Sultan of Selangor made a trip to London and as he was leaving he said he is going to London to arrest me and to bring me back to Malaysia. I take it he must have been joking. Or maybe not!

A couple of days ago, my cousin went to the Selangor Palace to bring to the attention of the Palace a certain issue involving the Orang Asli. It seems some capitalists are attempting to steal some land belonging to the Orang Asli, where they have been living for about 100 years.

The Sultan of Selangor’s ADC confronted my cousin and told him that the Palace knows that he is linked to me. They have photographs of him with me, which the Special Branch took and probably handed over to the Palace.

My cousin replied, of course we are linked. We are cousins.

The ADC then replied that I am an arsehole and that I had attacked the Sultans.

My cousin responded by telling the ADC that he is not a member of the Royal Family so he should butt out. This is a matter between members of the Royal Family.

The ADC then raised his voice and said that my cousin is arrogant.

The ADC was dressed in his military uniform, of course, and my cousin told him to take off his uniform and step outside for a one-on-one. The ADC walked off while murmuring to himself. Good for him or else my cousin, the son of Raja Datuk Redzwa bin Raja Sri Tun Uda, would have rearranged his face.

By the way, the late Raja Datuk Redzwa, younger brother to my father, was the most feared of all our uncles. No one could cross him and not suffer the consequences. He hated Umno and even attended the massive Reformasi demonstration on the Kesas Highway back in 2000. And when the police tried to stop him he argued with the police and dared them to arrest him. Don’t play play with my uncle mah!

Yes, palace officials should stay out of our family matters. They are not members of Royalty and have no business making any comments. They should be reminded that are merely the hired hands. Unfortunately this is 2010 and not 1810. Two hundred years ago my keris would have been bathed in this ADC’s blood. Nowadays such things are no longer allowed.

Sigh…how I miss the good old days.

Finally, see the picture below. Now do you believe it when I say that not all Malays are Muslims? In Islam, the ends do not justify the means. You can’t wash yourself with piss and declare that you are now clean. You can only clean yourself in pure water (air suci). Air kencing (piss) can’t purify your body.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who will be officiating the PERKASA meeting tomorrow, once proudly said that even the US now has a detention without trial law like Malaysia. If the US had introduced this law earlier then 911 would not have happened, explained Dr Mahathir. Because the US did not have such a law like the ISA, the New York Twin Towers was brought down at the loss of so many lives.

Yes, the Internal Security Act is good. And Dr Mahathir says the US too should have such a law. Then the US introduces the Patriot Act, like what Dr Mahathir said they should have done earlier.

Okay. The ISA is good. Malaysia says the US should also have a law like the ISA. The US then introduces the Patriot Act. So the Patriot Act is good because it is like Malaysia’s ISA. The Patriot Act targets Muslims and detains Muslims without trial. So that is good since the Muslim NGOS feel that the ISA helps combat terrorism.

Can we now please stop whacking the US? The Patriot Act is good. Okay, so Muslims are the victims. So what? The ISA targets Muslims as well. And the opposite of good is bad. This must mean Muslims are bad.

Hmm….come again! Muslim NGOs konon! Podah!


Translated into Chinese at:

