Dubious deals between Muhyiddin, Chenderong Capital, Chenderong Technologies and SIM-Drive?
When Malaysian deputy prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s official website MY-Malaysiawent into the museum, as I blogged about it earlier, further scrutiny unearthed quite interesting facts, suggesting potential dubious deals and intertwined business and political relations.
By Guan Sin
The domain name ‘my-malaysia.com.my‘ was registered by a company called Chenderong Technologies. Perhaps the DPM engaged that company to do his website. But you simply can’t find the website of Chenderong Technologies, supposedly a web design and/or hosting company. How weird for a web company without a website! And it’s the company doing Malaysian DPM’s official website! Is it just another crony company doing the website on non-commercial or opaque terms?
But the google result of “Chenderong Technologies” returns pretty interesting events and information related to “Chenderong Capital”, “Chenderong Technologies” and Muhyiddin himself. Apparently on Dec 7 last year, one Chenderong Capital has signed a MoU with a Japanese company, SIM-Drive Ltd, to develop electrical vehicles. The signing ceremony was witnessed by the DPM during his official visit to Japan.
According to official records from Companies Commission of Malaysia, which I obtained after paying a total of RM30, Chenderong Technologies (a partnership business) andChenderong Capital (a private limited company) are closely related. Chenderong Capital has three shareholders/directors. Two of them, Irlan Norris bin Ishak and Ikhwan Al-Rashid bin Abd Rahman, are the initial co-owners of Chenderong Technologies.
Putting all the relevant events into a timeline reveals a pretty intensive activities within a relatively short time-span:
Read more at: https://airkosong.com/_/2010/03/28/dubious-deals-between-muhyiddin-chenderong-capital-chenderong-technologies-and-sim-drive/