The Prime Minister Najib Razak is set to unveil his New Economic Model later today.
In the Credit Suisse Asian Investment Conference of Hong Kong last week, Najib in his keynote dialoque has indicated that there would be radical reforms, transformation and liberalization of the economy.
Najib has indicated that the New Economic Model will transport Malaysia to a high income economy by 2020 and calls for the dismantling of affirmative actions that favours the so called “bumiputras” although not so clearly stated by Najib but was widely reported by the international media.
This new economic model seems to be in part mooted by his brother Nasir Razak of the CIMB banking group, Nasir is of the belief that affirmative actions are hampering businesses and that reforms are a prerequisite towards economic progress which is a theory shared and accepted by most economist.
However there are doubts that Najib can be steadfast and resolute towards the dismantling of privileges to the bumiputras which forms the malay and mamak political party of umno, the main party of the governing Barisan National which had benefitted from the discriminate policies of the past.