BANGKIT: Towards 1 Million Site Hits, 50,000 FB fans, 100 songs & 1 Album

BANGKIT will be officially “open for business” on 1 April. That means BANGKIT will be accepting songs from Malaysian youths and publishing them on our site to be voted on by other Malaysian youths.

We’ve already got a few songs in our hand so that’s a good start! The numbers that we have garnered so far are also not too bad – 500 facebook fans and almost 4000 hits on our website in 2 weeks of pre-publicity.

However, a lot more needs to be done between now and 31 May (BANGKIT‘s closing date for popular voting).

BANGKIT‘s vision is to be a channel for Malaysian youths to voice their aspirations and opinions re our country.

And the numbers we have enjoyed thus far is FAR SHORT of truly representing Malaysian youths. We need PHENOMENAL numbers if BANGKIT is going to successully represent the youths of Malaysia . We are aiming to achieve:

– 1 MILLION site visits in the 2-month BANGKIT campaign period!

– 50,000 FB fans!

– 100 songs!

That’s just the first stage of the BANGKITexperiment. The second stage is to produce and distribute the BANGKIT album.But that’s a concern for later. What we need NOW is to reach every youth in every nook and cranny in Malaysia and get them on board BANGKIT!

We have ZERO budget for this project and we’re not offering any material gains to contributors/participants. Now that would put a damper on any event’s popularity. But this is a deliberate decision on our part because we want to prove that Malaysians WILL make BANGKIT a success, simply out of the goodness of their hearts and nothing else.

Maybe that’s naive of us. But if we can really can pull this off, people will HAVE to sit up and pay attention. Because these numbers would really indicate that the youth of the country have truly BANGKIT and their opinions had better be taken into consideration!

As Obama said in one of his Presidential campaign speeches…“Nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices…”

So please join us to make this dream of BANGKIT a reality. You can:

– Send in your songs to BANGKIT (IF you’re under-30)
– Vote for the songs featured on BANGKIT’s site
– Put up BANGKIT banners on your site
– Write about BANGKIT on your blog / website / magazine / newspaper
– Talk about BANGKIT in your office / school / warung / mamak stall / kopitiam / radio station
– Follow BANGKIT’s blog / twitter (get all your friends to do the same)
– Become BANGKIT’s facebook page fan (get all your friends to do the same)
– Print out the BANGKIT posters and pasting it where youths gather
– Join in / visit the BANGKIT roadshows

We also need people to sponsor: 

– Printing of flyers
– Album recording/producing
– T-shirts / other merchandise
– Venues for roadshows
– Publicity channels of any kind (media, online, etc)

Please support BANGKIT! Help give our youths a voice. Help our youths realise that they CAN have a voice. Help them believe that their voices DO matter. Let’s create something that’s never been seen before in Malaysia – a massive grassroots movement that is fueled purely by love for Malaysia!

Please contact us if you want to contribute in any way to make BANGKIT a reality. Or put us in touch with people who want to contribute. You can connect with us in the following ways:

Email: [email protected]
Twitter: jombangkit
FB page:!/pages/Bangkit/36…

Thank you, fellow Malaysians! Let’s do something PHENOMENAL today!
