Waking up the Opposition

Thank you to MT for posting my article. I received the exact response I expected and was looking forward to. I needed to write the article (all facts as I experienced it) and title it so (to get the overwhelming response) and time it such (when the opposition is under attack) for a very specific reason. That is

By Captain Reinu Balakrishnan

Only with a clean change in government with people of calibre will the truth of the rape of the country and it’s citizens be revealed.
We cannot, in our pursuit for change and a better Malaysia for all the races and religions, dwell on stupid issues. The response I hoped to get, I received, as I needed to show the electorate that if they continue NOT TO DEMAND the highest level of performance and accountability from their elected officials, we are doomed.
The response we saw from the supporters included many not unlike the mentally blind, frothing at the mouth, hang on sight, cow head throwing, church burning mentality that is the hallmark of BN. What change are we asking for then?
If we do not require our representatives to be of the highest possible calibre, it tells them it is ok to be of a low standard. It also says it’s ok to rape the country and you the citizens are willing to be raped. It also tells them that the people are happy to accept this low standard and they will never need to change.
THAT IS WHY BN HAS NOT CHANGED. You sat and got raped for more than 50 years voting them in, not checking the truth and blindly following what the government and masses collectively said. Government said, must be right mah.
Only when the Opposition is seen to be seeking the highest level of discipline and delivery will people of a very high calibre be attracted toward politics. This can only mean better governance and this is what we should demand for our collective good.
Almost all the commentators wasted so much time attacking me and supporting the fabrications without actually reading, understanding and checking the FACTS. A few got the point though. Sadly too few to effect change. Never mind, start now.
I have no need to detail my rebuttal or defend my reputation. The facts in existence will show the truth.  I just state my objections to the falsehood and have long identified the sources. All I will say is that when the truth is revealed, a lot of people will look pretty bad.
People lie, evidence doesn’t.
If you are convinced I am anti PR, that is up to you. Many more than you still think RPK is a terrible criminal. I salute his strength and fortitude.  Please go back into the archives and start studying RPK’s ‘tutorials’ to open your minds.
I have given MT a few bits that they can choose to use as they wish. Here we have frothing mouthed anger (facts not checked) by many at one person while millions of Malaysians suffer without recourse the abuses of the government. That’s BN politics.
Just ask yourself what change in Government are you asking for ?

Subject: Government encourages policies that kill people

Captain Reinu Balakrishnan 31 st May 2009

Tan Sri Sidek Hassan
Office Of The Chief Secretary To The Government=20
Level 4, East Wing, Perdana Putra Building=20
Federal Government Administrative Centre=20
62502 Putrajaya Malaysia

Dear Tan Sri,

I refer you again to my MACC reports against MB Selangor and MBPJ Building Control Director Hamidah binti Ariffin and also the numerous other police reports and MACC reports especially against MAS Idris Jala and the Judge.


Now MBPJ Hamidah has corruptly allowed people to die as well!!! I had previously warned of this and no one took action. Her corrupt ways and that of MBPJ is here to see again.

It has to be and will continue to be as long as criminals especially those protected by the Prime Minister’s Office (as admitted by the PM’s office itself in that this Government only serves and protects Malays and all others who make complaints against Malays (however true or correct) will be destroyed, as MAS so clearly has tried to do to me with the government’s blessings.

I have been a victim, like many others, of a concerted terrorist action by this UMNO government.

By now MACC Anuar must have told you that I taped in full clarity the top judges asking me (at a local night club) for a percentage cut of what is due to me for the crimes done against me by MAS and this Government. If I did not agree to their ‘request’, they would drag my case and continue to deny me adducing evidence, to frustrate and destroy me. Do you know who are on this tape?

Do you know how many of them adjourned for sex after the ‘meeting’? For sure these great Muslims will not be held accountable for their actions on earth, UMNO will see to that.

An ACA report was filed long ago against The Industrial Court Chairman in my case but his punishment was a promotion with better perks!!! Haji Zaini Hj Abd. Rahman is this criminal.

So now we all must wait for more people to die, preferably non-Malays, so that the vision of the ‘Malays will never be held accountable for crimes doctrine’ will succeed. What next? Maybe an MAS plane must crash and hundreds must die because ‘safety conscious captains’ who complain about serious safety violations and corruption in MAS were removed and destroyed.

Lets hope that when that day comes, you or your family members are not on board. I know mine won’t be.

Thank you for your continued selective inaction,
Captain Reinu Balakrishnan
