Interfaith Education Part 1

Do not do to others what you would not have done to you.

By John Doe

In seeing that Knowledge is the Key to Empowering the People, and that UMNO has absolutely NO INTEREST whatsoever in educating the public, I will now, through the graciousness of Malaysia Today, start a Series of Interfaith Education. We shall start by stressing that this is to foster better Harmony, and developing stronger inter-religious ties. We anticipate much opposition from UMNO, because time and again, they really want you to remain stupid.
By no means will we limit our discussion to “your” religion, or only the “Correct” Religion. We will discuss ALL religions, and our only request is that one refrains from insisting that “My God is Better than your God” type comments. UMNO cybertroopers need NOT watch these.
We start by introducing Karen Armstrong. She was born in 14 November 1944 in Wildmoor, Worcestershire, and is a British author of numerous works on comparative religion, who first rose to prominence in 1993 with her highly successful A History of God. A former Catholic nun, she asserts that, “All the great traditions are saying the same thing in much the same way, despite their surface differences.” They each have in common, she says, an emphasis on the transcendent importance of compassion, as epitomized in the so-called Golden Rule: 
Do not do to others what you would not have done to you.
white book
     history               yellow book                  

Based on Karen Armstrong’s book, the following History Channel Documentary examines the concept of God in the three major monotheistic religions from the days of Abraham to modern times. Through analysis of historic and holy texts and incorporation of ancient art and artifacts, the program explores the deity written about in the Bible and the Quran. The evolution and intertwining of various Christian, Jewish and Islamic interpretations of God are also addressed.

RunTime 1:33:30
I wish you all a splendid Journey, on learning more about things which UMNO has fervently denied to all.
If you like the program, the DVD’s have been available for a while now.
And NO, I do not get a commission from their sales.
Peace be with you
