An ulu fellow on Hulu Selangor

I may be an ulu fellow but I don’t agree with the road being taken by the Human Rights Party especially when it comes to its relationship with Pakatan. Ironically, what the HRP is doing is leading itself down the path of the same flawed logic – and consequently paralysis – of the parochial race-based politics of BN.

By G. Krishnan

I may be an ulu fellow but for me it’s about time Uthayakumar recognized the need to forge a non-race-based approach to uplifting the marginalized and disenfranchised – a formula that Pakatan is so critically trying to nurture in an environment so infested by BN-style communal politics.

I may be an ulu fellow but it’s time to see that parties such as the Human Rights Party and other such narrowly-race based parties do nothing more than reinforce more of the same thing among so many of us: the tendency to rely on and accept race-based politics as the only approach to governance. In order to change this kind of race-based politics of BN, we must be willing to go the extra step in supporting those who reject purely race-based politics.

I may be an ulu fellow but the HRP needs to understand how to become a constructive force for real change for Malaysians by supporting those who reject racist-based politics rather than another brick in the wall that supports and cements the racist style of race politics that has been practiced by BN.

Read more at:  IMAGINE…
