On this Earth and in the short history of humankind there is always this relaionship among humans that Some Are More Equal (SAME) than others. That has always been the evil in man and it will always be the failing of humankind as we jouney through Earth.
By Robert
Since the days of recorded history, humans had experimented and used many forms of so-called ‘world orders’, ‘regional orders’ or ‘country orders’ for one group of humans to conquer, suppress, control and rule over another group in the form of ‘isms’ through the spiritual, physical or military, mental, cultural, and of late, in the financial as well as other realms, seen and unseen. Wars and prox-wars were fought in the name of ‘isms’, the most recent past being the war of Communism and Capitalism where capitalists declare victory when the Berlin Wall was torn down. You name them and you can broadly count them with the fingers of your hands.
They did and do not necessarily happen in the order listed and they are not mutually exclusive to one another. Hybrid doctrines are formed and tinkered around by humans. Like they always say, it takes all sorts of people to make this world. The list below is not exhaustive and no attempt is made to go into the detail mechanism of each doctrine. In any society found on Earth, the relationship among humans will a combination of all these ‘isms’, some more pronounced than others, depending on which part of the world you are in.
- Religionism, whereby wars between different religions and wars within the same religion were fought and are still being fought to this day in its name;
- Imperialism, which derives its name from the word ’emperor’ refers to kings or rulers on earth whereby a militarily-strong group or groups conquered a militarily-weaker group of people or nations and subjugate them;
- Colonialism, whereby a group or groups of people who were more advanced militarily, mentally and in other ways, were able to propel themselves to conquer, rule and administer the affairs of others;
- Fascism, whereby a group of people of the same or similar ethnic, cultural and/or even religious origin banded together to subjugate others of different ethnic, cultural and/or religious groupings at the national or regional level;
- Communism, which was espoused by Karl Marx as a cure-all for all human economic problems and the ills of society on the basis that ‘All are Equal’ but only to fail miserably in most countries that had it.
- Socialism, a cousin of Communism; and
- Capitalism, the dominant ‘ism’ of the world today.
There are many other forms of ‘isms’ and their hybrids.
Now, in recent days, it was propounded by some racial groups in ApapunBolehland that the proportion of wealth of a country should be (or must be?) equal to the proportion of the population of that ethnic group in that country. In short, the formula is:-
%CountryWealth = %CountryPopulation
This is a fantastic formula, say the proponents in ApapunBolehland. On paper it looks very good indeed. It is not something new. The Communists have theirs too: All wealth belongs to the people. 100% Wealth belongs to 100%Population. Rightly so and nobody has any qualms about it for if you rationalize it this way:-
If a grouping of people has $100million, and there are 100 persons in this grouping, wouldn’t it be better if you distribute everyone $1million each and they all will be happy as a millionaire. This is definitely much better than having 1 person owning $100million or 2 persons owning $50million each while the rest are paupers. This is true distribution of wealth. On paper at least. All about distribution, nothing about production. See what happens to communism today. It is good on theory but short on delivery. It does not work because of the nature of man.
Now, back to the subject of %Wealth=%Population which is the main subject of this write-up. Instead of writing this formula repeatedly, let us give this new world order a name. Let us call it EQUALISM because “Everything in Country Wealth is equal to the Country Population”. Never mind the fact that everything else in that society is NOT EQUAL. And you are not to question them – just be like the sheep in the satire book ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell when they were instructed by Napoleon the Pig to simply obey. No questions asked. Just obey. Or if you are asked, tell them lies or twisted half-truths. If they continue to be a nuisance, eliminate them. For those not familiar with the book and its meaning and those who need a refreshing of memory, you can go and read up on the internet:-
For a brief background, the satire is about the communists in the then Soviet Union. The animals in Animal Farm overthrew Mr. Jones (a human) out from the farm because he was cruel to the animals and the animals rebelled against man, their original master. The animals were led by the pigs headed by Snowball and Napoleon. Their slogans were used here for illustration. The animals were repeatedly indoctrinated and were given false hopes. Their originally sound slogans were later edited to become as follows:-
- “All animals are equal” becomes “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others”.
- “Four legs good, two legs bad” becomes “Four legs good, two legs better” as the pigs learned and imitated the ways of man and try to walk on two legs and indulge in all other human excesses. Does it ring a bell regarding some indoctrination courses provided to certain segment of society by the government of ApapunBolehland.
Now back to the new world order of Equalism, %CountryWealth = %CountryPopulation. Let us say, ApapunBolehland through its ‘democratic way of majority rule’ (or rather tyranny of the majority) bulldozed this newfangled doctrine and implemented it. Let’s just say the country has a total wealth of:-
26million population (2010) x RM1million.
In this way, everyone in Malaysia will be an instant millionaire. Everyone (or most – a good majority) will be very happy because all are now instant millionaires. Just like a jackpot (of course, they cannot call it that – they will have PR-coated names like maybe, wang ehsan, again?) Of course the billionaires, including billionaires of all races, and those whose networth is more than RM1million, will not be happy. They probably got wind of this impending policy before its implementation and tried to get out as fast as they can from the country – a big firesale of the century. All sellers, no buyers.
Now with the RM1million each per person, those big families with many children will benefit greatly and can have as much as RM10million windfall if you have say 8 children. All the poor and less-fortunate people in Malaysia (majority) will applaud and say this is a very good policy. All about distribution of wealth in the country – Nothing about production of wealth in the country. There is no need to produce afterall we are all millionaires or mult-millionaires, literally overnight.
Everyone (or most majority) will be happy and let us just freeze this scenario for a moment of time say, 5 years. Your RM1million should last more than 5 years – or maybe not for some. All and sundry will no longer need to work. Why work? Why worry? If we spent all our money, there will be another redistribution of wealth in say another 10 years’ time in the never-ending-policy of SAME. Even if we have spent all our money, we can wait for the next round or even pass a law to hasten the redistribution of wealth. After all, we are the majority and we control everything (meaning everything) and we can pass laws as we like with 2/3 majority and impunity. Those of you who do not like it, you can disappear. This is our bread and butter, man – oops, rice and sayur.
Everyone in the whole wide world is watching with bated breath and much anticipation in ApapunBolehland. They can see the success and happiness of the poor masses in this ‘Great Wealth Distribution of the World’ (GWDW). Let us just say every poor in the rest of the world is bitten by this ‘SAME’ virus that caused this GWDW to happen and clamour for the same SAME treatment. The whole world is on fire with this ingenious SAME doctrine and there will be a great firesale of the millennium around the World. Everyone (including the former billionaires) is a now a millionaire (say in Ringgit). You may need more in some curencies as a Korean won-millionaire is not worth so much. Now this redistrbition of wealth is within the borders of each of the respective countries. That means the wealth of a particular country is distributed among the citizens of that particular country.
After all this had been said and done under blissful conditions, this new world order or economic doctrine will set other leaders of the world, especially big and powerful nations, thinking again. This SAME doctrine is very good, they would say. Why do we stop at our borders? This is foolishness, they might say. Let us take a page from ApapunBolehland. Let us redistribute the wealth of the World among us Big Boys. After all we are all Sons of the Soil of this World! Borders are man-made and can be changed – which is what they are anyway over man’s history. We have the might and we have the right because we are the Sons of the Soil of the whole Earth! We even have the majority of population if you put it to a vote within the regions where we want to redistribute the wealth.
Might is Right. Majority and Might is always Right, they might say. We are poor because we have large populations and little land mass, resources and wealth. We have many mouths to feed. We do not enough arable land to cultivate food for our people.We cannot allow our people starve to death and see others enjoy the spoils of the Earth which belongs to all of us mankind. We will not be held ransom by others otherwise they will control us and colonise us. We just need a pardigm shift to become rich – so goes the thinking.
They would continue to think – laterally, vertically and critically. Let us make use of this fantastic same SAME doctrine and do some tinkering with it. We just need a little tweak here and there of that Great SAME Equation:-
The SAME Equations now becomes:-
%WorldWealth = %WorldPopulation
Let us just say, the SAME virus inside the leaders of China and India have now mutated to take on this mutated economic theory. We are poor because we have big populations, our lands are small in comparison to others more fortunate, less resources etc and we want to enforce the same SAME GWDW in our region. Let us not fight. We will do it in a civilized manner. Our combined population is 40% of the World and if you apply this same SAME doctrine, we will have this formula.
40%WorldPopulation = 40%WorldWealth.
Fair and square.
The same SAME virus also infected the leaders of Russia, Europe and USA – all superpowers with nuclear weapons. The Strong and Powerful shall rule the World. We are the World, the Big Boys will say. Let us carve up the World and “distribute wealth” among us without firing a shot among ourselves.
In this scenario, let’s just say for the sake of finishing this article:-
- China will take East Asia, Mongolia, Indochina and SE Asia including ApapunBolehland;
- India will take South Asia and the surrounding weaker nations;
- Russia will go back to gobble up its former Soviet States and Scandinavia;
- Europe will take the Middle East and the whole African continent;
- USA will take over North, Central and South America to become United America .
Now, back to the original backers of the ORIGINAL SAME doctrine in ApapunBolehland, they now find themselves gobbled up like in a Pacman Game, under the dominance of foreigners who consider themselves more equal than them in ApapunBolehland. Might is Right? No?
Do not to others what you do not wish the SAME to be done unto you.