Hindraf & the Rest
Races? That’s what makes us interesting, isn’t it. Culture, religion and all that! With these come quirks and no race is an exception. For the offspring of mixed-races who are not particularly inclined to either side of the “fence”, they make good observers. Familiar and yet detached! I happen to be one of them.
By P. Jayendran
Indians and Hindraf? Well, they come from such a profound and long-thriving culture. Tamils again are just another “type” of Indians and I bet most Hindraf followers are Tamils. Even in India they reluctantly accept the national language – Hindi. After all, they are quite well equipped with their very own language and literature. Wonderful – considering the long history that these people possess.
You have a bone to pick with the government. I suspect somehow that you were not overlooked when allocations came about but the yields may have been hijacked by a chap named Samy and His Band of Dacoits.
Oh yes, the Chinese are victims too but most of them are so resourceful they managed to overcome the plunder and went on to create their own comfort and wealth. But what about the Malays? Yes, some collected more than they intended but the masses were victimized and robbed the same way. Yes, the common Malay people.
Did somebody say you guys at Hindraf are demanding RM100 billion for this and another RM100 billion for some thing and yet more RM150 Billion for other things and some more billions and some more billions? Plus 20% of government jobs?
But what about the other minorities? They call us the “DLL”. The amounts you are asking, if correct, will bankrupt the country. So you get your bucks but what about all the others including the bigger majority? Do you actually care?
Did somebody say 15,000 temples got demolished? 15,000 is such a big number and by the way how many hundreds or thousands of Hindu temples are there in existence? Sometimes temples have got to be demolished in order to consolidate. Otherwise, 3 to 4 Indians can get together to build a temple or shrine. Then on the other side 3 – 4 Chinese happen to feel the same way and do just the same. Then 3 – 4 Muslims decide to erect a surau. Walla … after 3 years we will have 3 million Hindu temples, 6 million Chinese temples and 8 million suraus. We will all have to live in one sooner or later.
As it is, old and huge trees are not spared this transformation. People of all faiths make keramats there. Some ask for numbers to strike ekor, some put fruits there and some dress it with yellow cloths. There are so many of these horti-shrines that ironically defies religious doctrines. It is like some kind of animism. Quite eerie – don’t you think so? There are quite a number of private homes converted to temples. I think the authorities are already having a big headache trying to contain things.
We all share common grounds here. The headline of the day is that we are not happy with all the funny things going on with this administration. No, they are not comical but irregular. Anyway, Hindraf, Indians and all its echelons and supporters should not be arguing with other people who are on the same side of the fence. Even cats and dogs can learn to get together or hippos and crocs sharing the same river. It’s all in bio-diversity lah!
Human beings are racist by nature. They have been known throughout history to slaughter one another for being different. These days, some of us are trying to overcome this primitive and instinctive characteristic but some still want to bask in it.
And what about the National Line? Malaysians in general are not politically savvy or politically inclined so everything goes. Implication in sensational murders? Genitals exposed to the nation? Lopsided calibration of the scales of justice? Crooks playing enforcers? Constipated political parties? Yellow-cladded parasites? Infected delivery system? This is all a recipe for disaster.
Will anybody pay RM500 million to an order-taker? What about to a proxy? Didn’t you know that this can come in handy when you have to make extraordinary purchases such as mutated frogs and grasshoppers? Now, Britain is a nice place to seek refuge in, isn’t it? They won’t extradite anybody who cannot get a fair trial in their country of origin.
But what is the alternative to the above entrapments of disaster? I figure only very few of them in the Allegiance of Citizens are actually reliable. Like all systems, infections and malignancies are likely to occur. Purging these impurities or amputations can prove not only difficult but injurious as well. And like some infections, there is simply no cure.
Frankly, I opine that RPK is doing a good job. Yes, he likes to taunt and his initials are quite taunting too. RPK sounds like some kind of grenade launcher. He brags – that’s fine since he has assumed a role play. We need such resourceful provocateurs. Arrogance is fine when directed at those who are arrogant. You can’t be a pussycat when in the den of lions – oops…or should I say tree snake in a pit of vipers.
Power is not only addictive. It’s also lucrative. That’s why even wild horses could not drag some of these redundant die-hards and rejects away. Looks like only till death will they depart!