At The Rate Our Politicians Are Jumping Around, One Should Wonder Why Are They All Still So Physically Unfit. Hmmmm.

The way I see it, neither of the two coalition parties offer much confidence. Both are sloppy, contradictory, and lack unity. Both leaders have failed to lead and rally their own members to their own cause. 
As the public, what we should be aiming for is creating a strong enough two-party system in Malaysia first. Any one state mainly dominated by one party is not a democracy in its true sense. 

By Tan Shang Neng, Student

We are now going into our 10th by-election since the last GE in ’08. I have been following the local news after MNight (finally had the free time) with so much glee. So much drama, so much comic relief. Nothing George Lucas or Sacha Baron Cohen could have thought up, such is the ingenuity of our Malaysian politics. Fantastic! 
Preliminarily, and as I have said, I am absolutely pleased with the quality of the political commentaries this time round! So much more analytical, so much more freedom. We have to thank Free Malaysia Today (no direct affiliation to Malaysia Today for you less attentive people out there) and the Malaysian Insider for this. Kudos. 
But alas, the same cannot be said about the quality of our politics back home. Same old story, same old strategy, same old shit. 
The matter of fact is, we are still fledglings in the world of politics. Our methods are still archaic at best. Our political parties do not have any real substance to offer. That is why they have to merely resort to bad-mouthing their opponents, spin stories, doctor photographs, offer bribes to the orang asli and so on. 
The sad thing is, the only reason our local politics have not yet matured is because the voters buy all these. We are still a shallow gossip-driven electoral. If there is a demand for something, the only logical move is to satisfy it. The current electoral care little for good policies and a sustainable future. Talks of such rubbish will quickly bore the electoral and send them off to your opponents’ camp where there is free food, bribes and such juicy gossip that none of my girlfriend’s magazines can acquire. 
Now, the thing about bribery is, if the nasty politicians offer it to you, I say TAKE IT! No, you don’t have to vote for them. But just take it. For once, JUST FOR ONCE, at the very least the public’s money is going back to the public. BUT, do not vote based on the bribe. Use your head. 
The way I see it, neither of the two coalition parties offer much confidence. Both are sloppy, contradictory, and lack unity. Both leaders have failed to lead and rally their own members to their own cause. 
As the public, what we should be aiming for is creating a strong enough two-party system in Malaysia first. Any one state mainly dominated by one party is not a democracy in its true sense. 
We can begin to see the benefits of having a strong two-party system. Spineless and worthless politicians can be weeded out (cue: froggy politicians starts jumping). We have increased political accountability: opponents will pick on the holes of their opposition and they are in the best position to voice out constructive opinions, and make such known to us, the public. We will slowly see the end to archaic political methods, and soon political parties will hopefully shift to emphasise on the real human needs of Malaysia as a nation, not for mere short-sighted political expediencies. A strong two-party system will hopefully soon churn out real leaders, leaders who can lead us in this age of globalisation where the galaxy’s the limit. Right now, to be in a position of change, one cannot be highly principled. That’s the fact of our political nature. The good ones, the credible ones, are politically killed off and swept under the cloud of political death. 
And perhaps one day, we will no longer be a race-based nation. As painful as it is, we are still race-based. BN and PR can say all they want about being non-racial, but daily you see them talking in terms of being a Malay, a Chinese, an Indian, an orang asli. A will say that B is kowtowing to a Malay, padahal A is fighting for race-baselessness. C will say D is not a good candidate, because he is Malay he will not look after the interests of Chinese and Indians. I say, to hell with all this shit. 
Both coalitions should be ashamed of themselves for being such hypocrites. 
Please treat the electoral and the nation with some respect. Believe it or not, Mr and Miss Politician, we really are not that stupid. As idiotic as you have made our education system, we still do have our minds about. There are some things that no propaganda can change, and perhaps you all are unaccustomed to these. It’s called intelligence and morality. 
I don’t know why commentators are making such a big deal about the HS by-election, saying it’s a do or die thing for BN or PR. I personally feel, whichever way the election goes, the public and nation gain nothing until our politicians can grow up. 
They need to realise that they are not the ones baby-ing us. We are the ones baby-ing them. It’s high time we stop this nonsense and treat politicians as adults, and hold them accountable for everything they do in their capacity as our leaders!
