DAP/PR Sibu by-election candidate – Wong Ho Leng

DAP Secretary-General YAB Lim Guan Eng announced tonight that the DAP Sarawak Chairman and State Assemblyman for Bukit Assek, Wong Ho Leng, will be the DAP/Pakatan Rakyat candidate for the upcoming Sibu by-election.


Lim Guan Eng made the announcement at a fund raising dinner that took place in Sibu, which was attended by DAP leaders including its Parliamentary Leader, Lim Kit Siang, National Vice Chairman and MP for Cheras Tan Kok Wai, National Treasurer and MP for Bukit Bintang Fong Kui Lun, National Vice Chairman and MP for Bandar Kuching Chong Chieng Jen, MP for Jelutong Jeff Ooi, Assitant National Organizing Secretary Vincent Wu, and Sarawak DAP Deputy Chairman and State Assembly for Kidurong, Chiew Chin Sing.

Pakatan Rakyat component parties were represented by PAS’ Secretary General, Mustafa Ali, PKR Sarawak Deputy Chairman, Zainal Abidin (who was representing his National President Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Was Ismail who missed her flight earlier in the day) and Johnny Wong of SNAP.

Over 2,000 guests, including significant number of Iban community leaders, attended the dinner.

Wong Ho Leng – Curriculum Vitae

Born on 21-12-1959 in a poor farm house in Bukit Igu, Sibu (behind Sungai Bidut). He is No. 5 of 14 siblings. Both parents are 78. Christian family

  • Married in 1990 to Irene Chang. Has 5 children (4 girls and 1 boy)

  • Education:

  • 1971: completed primary education at Ting Sing Primary School

  • 1977: completed Form 5 at Tung Hua Secondary School

  • 1978: completed Lower Form Six at Methodist Secondary School

  • 1979: completed Year 12 at Ashfield Boys’ High School, Sydney, Australia

  • 1980-1984: completed commerce/economic and law degrees from University of New South Wales and Sydney University

  • 1985: declined a good employment offer in Sydney, Australia, and decided to return home to serve the country

  • 1985: legal partner in Siong & Wong Advocates, Sibu

  • 1986: joined DAP as a life member on 19th April, 1986

  • 1986: contested in Parliamentary election in Miri against Peter Chin Fah Kui

  • 1987: contested in State election against Dr. George Chan

  • 1988: moved back from Miri to Sibu to practice law

  • 1995: contested against Robert Lau Hoi Chew in Parliamentary election in Sibu

  • 1996: contested against Deputy Chief Minister Dr Wong Soon Kai and won the state seat of Bukit Assek

  • 1999: contested against Tiong Thai King in Parliamentary election

  • 2001: lost in the contest for Bukit Assek in the state election

  • 2004: contested, the 2nd time, against Robert Lau Hoi Chew in Parliamentary election

  • 2006: contested in Bukit Assek against Daniel Ngieng in state election, wresting back the seat with a thumping majority of 4751 votes

  • 2008: Contested the 3rd time against Robert Lau

  • Office held:

  • 2001 till now – Chairman of DAP Sarawak State Committee

  • Vice Chairman of Central Executive Committee, DAP, till 2008

民主行动党诗巫补选候选人 黄和联

  • 1959 年12月21日 出生于诗巫西岸Sungai Bidut农村,出生贫寒,在 14个兄弟姐妹排行第五

  • 小学教育-鼎新小学

  • 1977年9号毕业敦化中学,成绩是全校之冠。1978年转校卫理中学完成10号课程。然后于1979年离乡别井,负笈澳洲完成大学先修班。1980年到1984年间先后在新南威尔士大学及雪梨大学完成商业,经济及法律学位。

  • 1985年本着爱国的精神毅然谢绝一份良好的法律工作,决 定返乡,服务国民。

  • 1985年于诗巫创设律师楼。1986年加入民主行动党,随后即参加美里国会选举。事隔9个 月,又参加1987年的砂州选举。

  • 1988年,重新在诗巫从事律师行业。

  • 1995年,参与诗巫国会选举,首次对垒刘会洲

  • 1996年,参与砂州选举,击败当时的副首席部长黄顺开医生,中选为武吉亚瑟区州议员,轰动政坛。

  • 1999年,参与南兰国会选举,对垒张泰卿

  • 2001年,寻求蝉联武吉亚瑟州议席,以800多票落选。

  • 2004年,参与诗巫国会选举,第二度对垒刘会洲,失败。

  • 2006年,州选,从新回到武吉亚瑟,以4751多数票中选为该区州议员、

  • 2008年,参与诗巫国会选举,第三次输给刘会洲。

  • 2001年至今,民主行动党砂州委员会主席

  • 曾担任全国副主席

  • 黄和联是一名基督徒,1991年与郑爱鸰结 婚,5个小孩,4女1男。父母健在。
