Malaysian Malaysia: 2Malaysia
I still remember last time when West Malaysian my friend asked me, “Is it true if a West Malaysian go and work or do business in East Malaysia, the East Malaysian will dislike or to certain extent hate?”
I never thought of that issue before but from the people I know, the answer to this question is Yes.
By A Place Like No Other
Why the hatred?
Well, you have to thank our government’s policy. They have been treating their two brothers on the other side unfairly. No I don’t simple speak without proof.
1. In West Malaysia, you have all the freeview channels such as NTV7, 8TV and TV9 but in Miri (I am not sure about other part of Borneo) we don’t have that! Yes, our representative (not mentioning name) has promised to put NTV7 in the air but after a few times delay, he said that well we don’t need NTV7 cause everyone in Miri has Astro!
No, not everyone in Miri has Astro, I for one don’t have. Do you mean that those who can’t afford Astro will have to stick back to the 3 traditional channel (i.e. TV1, TV2 and TV3)? Take care of everyone’s feeling not just the rich ok?
2. The oil royalty issue is one of the big factors. Miri has been producing oil but our state government only receives 5% of it. Anyway, recent revelation shows that originally the oil royalty was 12%?
“At the beginning, Sarawak was to have received 12 percent in oil royalties. But because Petronas was still a fledgling company at the time, a compromise was struck.
“Petronas agreed to give both Sabah and Sarawak five percent in royalties. The aim was to help Petronas consolidate its financials,” said Husam.
“This goodwill gesture was eventually buried. Petronas funds were channelled to projects like the RM1 billion Formula One event, which has brought little benefit to the people. – Source
Sad case for Sarawak (and Sabah and Terengganu) because we have to subsidise the whole Malaysia’s petrol but in terms of groceries, we have more expensive once due to shipping but no one gives a shit about subsidising those.
3. Scholarship and other opportunity are also one good reason. A lot of poor talented bumis (we side out the Chinese in this case) didn’t get scholarship although they are same or better than their rich West Malaysia counterpart. No joke, you can see the examples in the news and everywhere.
Then, the opportunity we have in East Malaysia is less. We have no idea about most of the scholarship (like ASEAN Scholarship). Then the top post in federal department in Malaysia is filled by West Malaysians. Why can’t Sarawakians admin their own state? After 50 years, you still don’t trust us?