Lessons learnt well, both for BN and PR
The immediate conclusion from the the recent by election in Hulu Selangor is that BN seems to have an edge over PR in all ‘ulu‘ places. At least 5 strategies can be implemented by both sides to strengthen their onslaught against each other.
By Rizzku
The 5 general components of the above conclusion are:
1. In geographically remote and sparsely populated area, BN will have an advantage. This is mainly due to lack of dissemination of alternative media information which is so far mainly available via internet connection. However, in urban areas where internet connection is developed, PR is putting a major challenge against BN.
2. In less educated places, BN seems to win the blind support of the voters. This is mainly due to their traditional awareness of BN long existence. Their ignorance prevents them from seeing an alternative to the choice they have been making all this while. The educated urban people however, would use their analytical thinking of current mishaps in both parties, and may conclude in one way or another that BN prolonged hold of power is not the best for a democratic nation. The educated but with interest (mostly power and financial) in BN, unfortunately will have to put their analytical thinking somewhat the back of their brain.
3. In less developed regions, BN will have a better chance of winning. This is due to the need of those regions for ‘instant’ developments. BN as a governing party fortunately able to capitalise on this due to its financial ability. In more developed urban areas, basic necessity would have been fulfilled already making the urgency of ‘instant’ developments void. This will ensure the pressure to vote for the financially able party is removed.
4. In financially deprived (poor) area, BN will gain their edge by providing financial assistant in the campaign period. For group of poor rural folks, who may be constantly worry about their next meal, anybody who can give them cash will win their votes. However in richer places, financial bribery is less practical simply because the richer will require much more ringgits to get their attentions. In this circumstances, the edge is removed for BN and thus other factors would play into roles ensuring alternative choice of votes.
5. In non-english speaking area, BN would stand better at winning. Again this is due to the alternative media which is mainly presented in english. The government strict controll of the mainstream media is forcing PR to fully utilise the alternative media (internet) to propagate its ideas. Unfortunately, being presented mostly in English, the non-english speaking folks (esp the Malay and the tribal groups in East Malaysia) will be left unreached.
Based on the above 5 conclusions, the 5 strategies that BN and PR would have to employ to increase their chances of winning are:
Read more at: http://rizzku.blogspot.com/2010/04/lessons-learnt-well-for-both-bn-and-pr.html