Patronage, Civilisation and Democracy

Patronage within society is itself transformed within economic, political and social circles into monopolies. Triads conveniently and easily make use of patronage. Criminals take advantage of patronage and politicians and law enforcement turn patronage into a closed system of control and privileges. Those outside the patronage system are locked out. Those without connections and contacts become isolated and marginalized. 

By batsman

It is often said that UMNO rule is based upon a system of patronage. This write-up tries to discuss this in greater depth. 

However it should be said that this is going to be difficult and there are some philosophical elements involved even if RPK himself suspects that philosophy may be beyond some MT readers. To a large extent, it is like using computers. Some people like to go on the internet immediately while others like to know something about operating systems and browsers or even computer architecture and system software first. The difference is that if there are problems encountered those who have a deeper understanding of computers and software are better able to find a solution. 

The same goes for driving. Some people just want to be able to drive and have no interest in the mechanics of cars. When there is a problem those without a deeper understanding of cars will be completely lost and at the mercy of car mechanics. So for those who have no interest in philosophical discussions or have no capacity or capability to go in greater depth, it is best not to waste time here. I really don’t mean to be rude. There are plenty of good people who have no idea how a car works. There is nothing wrong with that. It is just that this is something like a hobbyist’s talk shop. So if you have no interest or intention to exchange stories about the subject matter, it is better time spent if you read something else. However if you do have the interest, please continue reading and I hope you enjoy it. 

Many writers talk only of political patronage. I think this ignores the roots of political patronage which are formed much deeper within society itself. Without strong traditions of patronage within society, political patronage will find it harder to express itself. 

Most Asian societies still have patronage as a main component within their cultures even if feudalism in the classical sense is no longer an economic force. Feudalism has been transformed into patronage. These small differences are important since if we continue to talk of feudalism it causes confusion as feudalism is no longer an economic force. 

Patronage expresses itself in everyday life in Asian societies so those who live within it are not really conscious of it and treat it as normal. For example, if we need someone to fix our cars, we depend on recommendations of our friends or families for good mechanics. This goes for contractors to fix the roof, dentists to patch up our children’s teeth and even jobs for unemployed children. Father’s will often call on favours from friends and extended families for good jobs for their children. 

Have you tried to use the yellow pages to try and find something that you want? I have and I never succeed. The classifications are atrocious and they get worse every year. This is why most people still depend on their friends to recommend good car mechanics. Unfortunately this is probably also the way most mechanics get their business – through word of mouth and recommendations and a friend’s recommendation has elements of patronage or even commissions involved and recommendations do not necessary focus on skill and capability but on connections. It is like the Facebook of the Middle Ages without the internet. 

So it is that while feudalism has lost its economic strength, it has been transformed into social and political strength by cultures whose social networking still depends on old traditions. We even depend on recommendations of friends and families to find good food. Those who have built up a database of good eating places use it to gather round large social circles of friends and consequently improve their status and position within society and family. 

In the advanced countries, things are a little different. Classifications, databases and systems in general are better; reflecting a greater professional attitude. Even the restaurants are graded. This is just a way of presenting reliable information to all. Individuals are freed from patronage and are able to operate well on their own without connections and contacts. But again I talk only in relatives. The differences are almost imperceptible although such small differences between 2 different cultures and societies make a world of difference. This is because over time, the differences become great – just as compound interest builds up and double digit growth in China in a short space of just over 40 years makes it one of the richest countries in the world. 

Motivational consultants often say that if one writes down one’s objectives and think about it everyday (a.k.a. turn it into obsession) one will eventually achieve these objectives. The implication is that the obsessed person will make use of everything at his disposal and the opportunities available in society to reach these objectives. This works in the same way as compound interest and over time, one gets closer to one’s objectives. 

The unfortunate thing is that such motivational ideas are hatched in advanced countries where conditions in society are much more democratic and opportunities are a lot fairer in terms of accessibility by capable persons and information is less controlled. 

If in Malaysia conditions of society favour patronage and even information is controlled and becomes a source of power, then eventually the sum total of all the efforts of obsessed persons will make patronage an even more powerful force since all of them will make use of patronage to get what they want. It is like an amplifier effect. Instead of capable persons moving ahead, it will be cronies moving ahead. That essentially describes the situation in Malaysia today. Evil and greed is amplified a lot more powerfully than decency and fair play. 

So it is that TDM’s concept of creating Malay millionaires through patronage is essentially a system of promoting evil and greed. 

Patronage within society is itself transformed within economic, political and social circles into monopolies. Triads conveniently and easily make use of patronage. Criminals take advantage of patronage and politicians and law enforcement turn patronage into a closed system of control and privileges. Those outside the patronage system are locked out. Those without connections and contacts become isolated and marginalized. 

If you are unconvinced, take a look at some closed businesses. Money changers are almost all Indian Muslims. I am told that spare parts shops are controlled by Chinese clans. 

One likes to think that business is fair competition, but in real life, it is a group of people trying to create small monopolies and if they succeed in a big way, it becomes a big monopoly. The bureaucracy in Malaysia has become a gigantic monopoly. Politics in Malaysia has become big business and an even greater gigantic monopoly. It is even becoming questionable whether the politicians in power will respect elections and the will of the people once it goes against them. 

Patronage is at the heart of all these monopolies and so it is that by asking those who have no interest to read something else, I am also in a sense trying to create a crony system. Interesting how patronage seeps into everyday life and affects almost all our daily decisions and actions isn’t it? heeheehee 

However for balance in trying to help along the civilizing process and improvements within backward Malaysian society, I am not suggesting we copy blindly the societies of the west. We should only learn the best parts of what they have experienced. Not all their experience is good or beneficial to humans in every way, but this is the subject of an entirely different nature. 

I leave some light alternative reading to show that even in the west, people are getting sick of their own civilization. The article by Chris Hedges show that some Americans are seriously organizing to secede from the USA while the article in CommonDreams show that people in the west are beginning to realize that individualism and self-interest promoted by capitalism so fervently and religiously is not what it is cracked up to be. 

Chris Hedges: The New Secessionists

The Death of Self-Interest Fundamentalism | 

Happy reading. I hope you come to realize that some westerners are breaking mental chains and moving by leaps and bounds ahead of us in their mental and intellectual capabilities and exploring exciting new areas while we still grovel in our ancient patronage system.
