It was Your Money, My Money, the Rakyat’s Money!!

When I first heard the news about the double page NYT advertisement featuring the PM’s wife, I thought that private individuals or companies had paid for it because it seemed ridiculous that any government would use public funds for an advertisement that would easily run over RM1 million! Imagine my horror when I came across this report in THE NUT GRAPH that confirmed that the recent two-page spread, was placed on behalf of the Malaysian government!!! Yes, you read me loud and clear. It was spent using your money, my money – The RAKYAT’S MONEY!!

By Masterwordsmith

According to The Nut Graph:

In an e-mail response to questions from The Nut Graph, the New York Times said: “The advertisement was placed by an ad agency on behalf of the Malaysian government.”

The response from New York Times executive director of community affairs and media relations, Diane McNulty, reveals that the ad was not placed by private individuals, as suggested by the last line in the ad’s congratulatory message.

McNulty, however, declined to disclose how much the ad cost, saying the company never discusses the cost of an individual ad as there are many variables and rates involved. These include the kind of schedule the ad purchaser has with the company, as well as the advertising category it falls within.

However, research on previous full-page ads taken out in the New York Times suggests that the cost of such advertisements ranges from US$180,000 to US$230,000. This amounts to between RM580,000 and RM740,000 for a one-page ad.

A two-page colour spread such as the one featuring Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor is expected to cost far more. CLICK HERE for more.

In this information era, there is rapid, global diffusion of information, ideas and practices that empower us to demand higher standards of ethics, transparency and accountability in the public sector. The rakyat work hard to earn a living and we pay our taxes with the hope that tax revenue is used for public goods for the greater good of the nation – NOT FOR DOUBLE PAGE ADVERTISEMENTS elevating ONE PERSON for reasons unknown to the rakyat.

Is it justified that such an outrageous sum of money was spent this way? Think of what could have been done for the rakyat with that sum of money including hospitals, roads, supply of basic amenities, scholarships for deserving scholars, improvements to schools, research, housing for the poor and needy and so much more!!! My heart breaks at the thought of the opportunity cost of that decision to spend THAT OBSCENE sum on what? A double-paged advertisement in New York Times. That is an insane LEAKAGE from our circular flow of income. And the government has the audacity to tell us that they are going to impose the GST soon!!! Why spend so much and then tax the rakyat MORE???? Tell me! Is this fair? Is it justified? And they talk about KPI.

All we are asking for when we cast our vote in the ballot box is GOOD GOVERNANCE and sustainable development via responsible public policy, responsible public expenditure not forgetting integrity, transparency and accountability in the public sector performance. The lack of accountability in the use of public funds impedes economic development, undermines stability and erodes trust in public institutions. And who pays the price? All these are borne by those the least able to do so: the poor (because they will not be getting the social goods that could have been disbursed to them) and the tax payers who are the ones paying taxes – in short – every single one of us!!!

The rakyat must demand a public service that is accountable, responsive, service-oriented and free of corruption in our quest for good governance. The government has a moral responsibility to explain:
WHY this amount was spent
WHO gave permission for this obscene amount of public funds to be spent this way
WHICH department disbursed the income

More than ever, Malaysia desperately needs a code of ethics and disciplinary procedures that can set the framework for an honest, responsible public service. The time has come for our MPs to fight for the implementation of legislation and regulations that will clarify public servants’ rights and duties and create a strong integrity framework, prohibiting any form of such absurd expenditure, the receipt of gifts and defining the limits of acceptable political activity. Equally important would be our civil servants who MUST be imbued with an esprit de corps, who are committed to serve the public interest responsibly,diligently and fearlessly! We need indicators and safeguards for stronger performance and accountability. We need to define benchmarks and indicators of results against which public service and staff at all levels can be held accountable for any misappropriation of funds. Think of the Auditor-General’s Report and the damning revelations that are announced each year. What happens after that????

Let’s face it. When public funds are misspent, it is the rakyat who have the most to lose through the deterioration of public services and detrimental effects on economic growth.

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