Prosecution also tries to “Main Belakang”‬

Din Merican

Yesterday, the road to the Courts’ Complex in Jalan Duta was choked. Security was very tight. Entry into the courts was heavily screened as the trial of Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim (DSAI) in Sodomy II started. This is a repeat of the self inflicted embarrassment and humiliation that we, Malaysians, suffered in 1999 as a nation pre-occupied with unnatural sex. We were made out to be like the people of ancient Sodom that God obliterated from the face of the earth.‬

Liwat (Anal Sex)

People of my generation, more so the Malays, have difficulty using the word “anal sex”. There is no Malay equivalent for that word. Being ever so polite and gentle, the Malay word for that is “liwat”. It is derived from the root word “excess/excessive”, as a description of an excessive sex beyond the norms. Even the official dictionary, the Kamus Dewan 1984 version published by Dewan Bahasa  could only muster enough courage to define “liwat” as “bersetubuh dengan binatang”.

The Malays could not say “fornicate”, what more to describe the abomination of “anal sex” as “main buntut”. The Indonesians are somewhat a bit more forthright and very open. In their Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia of the 1995 Edition, “liwat” is described as “persetubuhan sesama lelaki”. The point is that- to the Malays, “liwat” is an animalistic act.‬

‪‬‪And yet, in Sodomy I, the Malays have been internationally scandalised as an animalistic society. Why do I say that? Because, Sodomy I involved the highest strata of Malay society- the Malay (UMNO) Leadership. The charge was brought by a Malay(?) Prime Minister against a Malay Deputy Prime Minister. The alleged victim is a Malay. All the key actors, from the witnesses to the prosecutors and the judges are all Malays. The moral of the Malay society was dragged to its  lowest ebb. Even Niccolo Machiavelli  of Florence could not be more proud.‬

If there is anything to redeem Sodomy I, it is the fact that the victim, Azizan Abu Bakar, appeared rather coy, almost like a reluctant performer. Sodomy II, on the other hand, blows the mind away. Here, we have Mohd Saiful Bukhary Azlan almost proud to claim that his backside was diddled with. When the medical report did not support his story, he went to a mosque in Jalan Duta to make an Islamic Oath under the glare of the tv cameras.

Saiful was intent on having his day in court to show how DSAI could overpower him to have a taste of his backside. In the various press conferences that Saiful Bukhary gave, the mainstream media attempted to make him look like a martyr, like a man seeking justice. And justice for what? For proclaiming to the world that his arse hole was poked!

Saiful’s Day in Court with Karpal Singh

‪Yesterday and for the next few days, it will be Saiful’s day in court. The day that he exposes the truth in order to seek his justice. But already on the first day of trial, all did not seem well for the prosecution. Saiful met his first test when the contemporaneous evidence in the form of the medical report made on July 28, 2008 at 2pm could not support his story that his arse was buggered. So Saiful took the most convenient suggestion made by Karpal Singh, he accused the Pusrawi Hospital doctor of lying. He accused the doctor of lying for stating that his anus hurt because a plastic instrument had been inserted into it. The next few days will see him accusing a lot more people just to prove that he was indeed buggered.

What is so pitiful is that PM Najib is implicated in this. Saiful has already admitted that just two days before the alleged sodomy, PM Najib had met Saiful. And the person who brought Saiful to meet the PM was none other than Najib’s Personal Assistant, Dato’ Prof Dr Anas. Just ask about anyone in the PM’s Department, and they will tell you what they know of Prof Anas’s sexual orientation! If the Sikhs (we call them Bai’s) were previously unfairly disparaged for this, in the spirit of 1Malaysia, the Malays too are now filling up this quota, a legacy of the NEP.

And Saiful Bukhary is the kind of witness that AG Gani relies on to form a case against DSAI. Did anyone die? Was anyone blown to pieces? Yet, when it came to Razak Baginda, the central figure in the Altantuya murder, AG Gani was quick to say no evidence to proceed against Razak. Razak has since run away from Malaysian shores, hoping that the public would soon forget him. What is so unfortunate is that the PM Najib is implicated in both these crimes.

In the Razak Baginda Altantuya murder case, PM Najib’s security escort, the Unit Tindakan Khas (UTK) was involved. While in Sodomy II, PM Najib’s PA, Dr Anas, is responsible for bringing forth Saiful to be the protagonist. In the Altantuya case, AG Gani tries to bury (or blow up) the evidence, while in Sodmomy II, AG Gani is trying to dig (korek) the evidence. AG Gani sure knows his priorities!‬


