Happy May 13th? Bollocks !!!

Many political analysts attributed the Malay “crutch mentality” syndrome to have arisen from May 13, and a direct result of the affirmative NEP programme. This had resulted to abnormally large proportion of younger generation of Malays not being able to compete not only internationally but also nationally. They still rely on paltry handouts given out by UMNO

Written by John Doe

Malaysian politicians have often cited the May 13 incident when warning of the potential consequences of racial rhetoric, or as a bogeyman to blanket off discussion on any issues that challenge the status quo. In the 1990 general election and 1999 general election, May 13 was cited in Barisan Nasional campaign advertisements and in speeches by government politicians. Such usage of the incident in political discourse has been criticised; the Tunku stated: “For the former PM (Dr Mahathir Mohamad) to repeat the story of the May 13 as a warning of what would have happened if the government had not taken appropriate action is like telling ghost stories to our children to prevent them from being naughty… The tale should not be repeated because it shows us to be politically immature…

Is Mahathir angry that there was a book which exposed that he absconded with at least a $100billion of Malaysian’s money? Is is going to do something to Tun Barry Wain?


But no, Mahathir decides to bangkit something this May 13th in Kuala Terengganu. Perhaps, beside the expose of the $100 Billion theft, Mahathir is unhappy that he was named, along with Jibby’s Daddy as the MAIN people who planned the coup d’etat against the Tunku by the then emergent Malay state capitalists – backed by the police and army – to seize control of the reign of power from the old aristocrats to implement the new Malay agenda. For instance, the “group of hoodlums suddenly appeared from all over the place” on the day of May 13 to gather at Harun’s residence and the questionable conduct of the police and army to just stood by and watch. These groups of “Hoodlums” were none other than the Minangs who were hired to start the terrible killings. They now live in Pariaman and Padang today. Some have died as a result of the recent earthquake, which devastated that area. In fact, Pariaman was the epicenter of the devastating earthquake. Retribution perhaps? Only God knows…

Few realize that the riot led to the expulsion of Malay nationalist Mahathir Mohamad from UMNO and insprired him to write his seminal work The Malay Dilemma. This book was duly banned. Not strangely, in this book, he accuses the Malays of being genetically inferior because of massive and continual inbreeding. This is stated clear and plain, on the very first page of the book, The Malay Delima. You can buy used copies of this book at any used bookstore, or pasar malam for a meager RM5, or less. Mahathir unbanned his own book when he came back to power later.

The state of emergency that was declared shortly after the incident has never been lifted, an action that has been cited by academic lawyers as a reason for diminished civil rights in the country due to the legislative powers granted to the executive during a state of emergency. Many political analysts attributed the Malay “crutch mentality” syndrome to have arisen from May 13, and a direct result of the affirmative NEP programme. This had resulted to abnormally large proportion of younger generation of Malays not being able to compete not only internationally but also nationally. They still rely on paltry handouts given out by UMNO.

What is more interesting to note is that Tunku Abdul Rahman resigned as Prime Minister on May 16th. Just three days after the alleged Riots first broke out. I find it cruel, that Mahathir never gave the Tunku a proper State funeral when he died. How many people even remember Tunku’s funeral at all? Anyone wants to try to name the date without googling it? This is the Bapak Malaysia which UMNO touts. The same person, whom they forcefully kicked out, but hiring the Minang Hooligans (now prominent Datuks in Pariaman) to start killing Malaysians. Now, let me ask you this question; which Country Leader at any point in time in history, has ever resigned DURING the heat of unrest? Unless he is killed in battle, no one ever has !!! Malaysia is the FIRST in the World in all of History to do so !! Another Bravo for a Guinness Book of Records entry. Something which no one else will ever contest as well. Documents clearly showed less than a week after the riots, then deputy premier Tun Abdul Razak who headed the National Operations Council was already in full control of the country – an indication that there had been a plot. In fact, secret documents from the British cabinet office featured in the May 13th Book showed that barely a week after the riots broke out, the Central Intelligence Agency had figured out what Tun Razak was planning – “to formalise Malay dominance, sideline the Chinese and shelve the Tunku”. And now, his son, Jibby, is perhaps trying to fulfill his Daddy’s Mission.

taken from:

So, according to this May 13th Book, written by Dr. Kua Kia Soong, the very same bunch who ousted the Tunku from the Position of Prime Minister, is now rallying a fresh call for blood at Kuala Terengganu. Is Jibby unsheathing his Keris to be bathed in Chinese Blood again? Is Hishamuddin urgently flying back from his London trip to do the same? And what now of this new Abraham ibn Ali with his turn of unsheathing? Crooked knives of crooked people planning crooked things for an already screwed up nation.
taken from:

As mentioned many times before, if Ketuanan is all this country has, then it is clearly doomed. Do the math, if 400,000 Malaysians have fled the country last year, this amounts to more than 1,095 leaving the country PER DAY !!! That means 45.6 leaving per hour. How happy UMNO is. And now they plan to silence the leftovers once and for all?

Perhaps their Slogan should be Kueh Bangkit Melayu? At least that one does not leave a bitter aftertaste. Because just saying the word UMNO does just that !!

