“Selepas Tsunami” – Discern for yourself, seditious or objective?

This documentary “Selepas Tsunami(After the Tsunami) produced by Big Pictures for KOMAS is about the changes since Post-March 8, 2008 General Elections. It is primarily meant to be used as voter and democracy education in Malaysia.  On May 12, 243 copies were seized by Sibu police on pretext that it was seditious.

By Pahlawan Volunteers

Next day, the police reverted saying it’s NOT seditious, but have since failed to return the VCDs. One cannot help but wonder if they were trying to stop the distribution of these VCDs which contain important information that may influence votes in the Sibu By-Election.

KOMAS has now made the entire documentary available online for all to watch.

Discern for yourself, seditious or objective?

Watch at: http://pahlawanvolunteers.wordpress.com/2010/05/16/selepas-tsunami-%E2%80%93-discern-for-yourself-seditious-or-objective/

