Buckle up or face defeat soon

First and foremost I would like to congratulate DAP and Wong Ho Leng for winning the Sibu by-election. This indeed is an indication that Sibu wanted change. For even with postal votes, BN was not able to reverse the result.

By ViewAct

Well, be jubilant as you may, but do not do it for too long as the war is still on-going. There are already rumors that more elected PKR members will be defecting. While you get one seat, you may lose two. Thus, buckle up and continue with the race.

Our TPM has just openly said that PKR should disband. Well, not that there is no truth over the statement but the fact that it came after the defeat seems to suggest that he is consolating himself and BN for not being able to squash DAP as well. You can’t beat someone, you bully the brother. When Zaid resigned, when Chua Jui Meng resigned, when many other BN members left, did you say “BN should dissolve, we only championed certain people and the common folks suffered much”? I remembered very well no such “announcement” came from you.

Now, winning Sibu may be a good thing for PR but bear in mind that Sibu is a place that is very much neglected, with lots of social and economic issues. It is not that easy to tackle. BN had deserted it for 50 over years, and DAP under PR has only had 2 – 3 years to show progress else it will still be seen as “in-action”. It is a tough job. What more if PKR and DAP Sibu are having differences of opinion. How are things going to get carried out when some members go in separate ways?

Sabahans are looking at DAP from a different perspective. They are waiting for something to happen. They are sitting on the fence now. Although it is a good sign against BN, that also means DAP and PR have to work extra hard to get the wind to blow their way, to get those fence sitters to jump over to their side of the fence.

We only have about 4 MPs left before BN “re-conquer” their 2/3 majority. It’s a matter of time, and a matter of principles, before BN-UMNO get them to defect.

When expectations are great, the disappointment will also be great. And this is what I am worried for DAP Sibu. Now that DSAI, Karpal Singh and a few leaders are busy with the Sodomy trial, with less time to sit down with all leaders to iron things out, it is crucial that the leader of teams be clear of their aims, goals and directions. Lead your team to prove to the voters that their votes for you are worthy. Don’t just display a nice performance at the beginning (election time), but deteriorate over time and by the end of the show, give them a poor ending. This will affect the decision of the voters come GE 13. I’m sure all elected leaders know that very well, and I am sure BN knows that too. For BN is advertising a lot in the mainstream media now just for that.

It is thus high time PR’s component parties in Sibu sit down, sort out the differences and set out all plans to be carried out, get them endorsed and get them going. Not only in Sibu, but it has to happen in all constituencies with PR representatives. Work things out by all means. Overcome or work around the limitations, the restrictions and no matter how small the action is, at least the people will see that you have done something meaningful. The mainstream newspapers may do a good story-telling job for BN but if the common folks do not experience all the “advertised goodies”, it remains a fairy tale. So PR, make dreams turn out to be reality for your people. And let BN’s story-telling remain as fairy tales forever. Else, you’ll be the one living in a fairy tale instead.
