It’s about doing what is right, and being prepared to pay the price

SUPP’s Robert Lau, the losing BN candidate, upon official confirmation that despite all the attempts to buy the people of Sibu with money and all sorts of promises, DAP’s Wong Ho Leng had won the right to represent Sibuans in parliament by a majority of 398, lamented, “I’m sad, because Sibu is going to lose out on a lot of things”.

The People’s Parliament

Folklore is replete with tales of epic battles that have been fought between warring camps. Few, though, inspire like that between young David and the giant Goliath.

Some accounts have it that rather than have two armies clash leaving a bloody battlefield,  both warring camps decided that each would offer a warrior who would battle to the very end, thereby resolving the dispute with the minimum of casualty.

Goliath, famed for his brute strength, stepped forward, ready to do battle for his side.

Seeing Goliath, no one from the other camp came forward.

David, still a youth, slight in build but blessed with the heart of a lion, stepped forward to do battle with Goliath.

History has it that with one slingshot, self-belief and a firm conviction that he was on a path that pleased God, David took aim, let fly, and brought the giant Goliath down.

Last night, like David, the good people of Sibu brought the evil giant, BN, to its knees.  

I take nothing away from Pakatan Rakyat and its effective election machinery when I say that the results of the latest by-election are a resounding victory for the people of Sibu to reject a corrupt regime and to vote for change.

Many who followed the drama taking place in the counting centre last night on the internet were left with a sense that the EC was working to deny the people of Sibu their choice of representative. Kudos to DAP for their vigilance and steely resolve to not allow this travesty. 

SUPP’s Robert Lau, the losing BN candidate, upon official confirmation that despite all the attempts to buy the people of Sibu with money and all sorts of promises, DAP’s Wong Ho Leng had won the right to represent Sibuans in parliament by a majority of 398, lamented, “I’m sad, because Sibu is going to lose out on a lot of things”.

Robert Lau, and many in BN, have still not understood that Malaysians are now prepared to forgo the promise of short-term gains and privileges and opt instead to lend further force to the wind of change that continues to sweep through our nation.


