Ketuanan Malacca Part ll

I STRONGLY DISAGREE with UMNO’s lies on Malacca, and it’s Kegemilangan. UMNO definitely needs a severe jolt in the head to understand what History actually is, before making race-based writings.

By John Doe

This is the follow-up to the first piece which I wrote a short while ago entitled Ketuanan Malacca.

Beside Hang Tuah’s Grave are signboards (Kampong Keling) which state, “This is a Large grave, therefore it must have been someone important, and therefore, it is HangTuah”. This sign is put up by Tourism Malaysia. They have ZERO proof which person is under the “Large Stone Grave Marker”. And the illogical irrational explanation is indeed lame!! Go visit this place sometime and see it for yourself.

It is on one of the signboards above which gives the “Oh, this is a big cemetary Headstone, therefore, it must be of Hang Tuah”. Interesting to note, the Kelantanese also have a grave which they claim to be that of Hang Tuah. And some say that Hang Tuah died in Perak, and so on. I won’t even get into the vile and fruitless discussion of the Taming Sari, which sank into the River and is lost forever.

Also important to note is, the alleged Grave of Parameswara in Fort Canning Hill in Singapore is NOT of Parameswara.

The Grave above is an obvious rebuild. This cannot be Sultan Iskandar Syah. And even if it is, who is Sultan Iskandar Syah? A visiting Sultan from Rioh (original name for Riau)? Not to forget that there was a good and popular port already in existence at Tanjong Pinang on Bintan Island (Indonesia). I love the Yellow Egg-Yolk Mosque at the entrance of the Tanjong Pinang Port.

Many UMNO Books tell us that the Hang “Blood Brothers” were Muslim. Bullshit!! You tell me, do the graves below look Islamic?

The last pix above is that of Hang Tuah. It was only recently built. It is in fact around 40-50 feet long!! All the graves have a North-North East Orientation. This is nowhere facing Mecca. In fact, it is tangent to any Kaabah Orientation.

This is, again, a copy of graves found on Pulau Besar, which are 100 feet long for some of them. Long Graves=”Prestige”. However, most of the graves on Pulau Besar are Hindu!! And these Hang Everything are all identical to them. The small triangular holes are meant for the lighting of candles. Now, all said and done, how can any of the Hang graves be Islamic at all?

Compare it to this Muslim grave below:

The closest I can come to deciphering any of this is that these graves were rebuilt during the Dutch Period in the 1600’s; when/during/ just before “Sejarah Melayu” (originally titled “Asal Usul Raja-Raja) was written in 1623. This post-humous book tried to write details from 200 years before, as well as 1600 years BEFORE, about Gangga Negara and even Lembah Bujang! This is NOT possible!

UMNO has commonly told us that the Siamese were always attacking Malacca because of it’s alleged importance.

The REAL Question should be why would Siam (Ayudthia) want to attack Malacca all the time? This is because Parameswara was sitting on Thai Soil!!! And because Parameswara MURDERED the ruler of Singapore, who was the Brother of the King of Pattani, before he ran away to Muar (original Malacca)!! Barr Kra is in fact “Tanah Siam”.

It is also stupid of the Malaysian Government to insist on labelling the Zheng He Temple next to the Hang Li Poh well as the Zheng He Temple. I personally know the granddaughter of the temple builder. And it was ONLY built in the early 1900’s!!! In fact, she tells me to read the inscription written in Chinese on the walls itself. (I can’t read a word of Chinese, so I’ll take her word for it. After all, it is her grandfather who built the Temple.) Bullshit Malaccan History again!!

UMNO also insists that the “Malays” came to the Peninsular in the 1400’s. So WHAT??!?!?!??! The earliest Orang Asli grave is gonna be 60,000 years old!! All the Lembah Bujang graves will be around 2,000 years old. In fact, many Lembah Bujang Graves are Indian; and Perak-Man is 11,000 years old. It is important to note that Perak-Man is Negrito. Same for Niah Caves Man (actually woman). So, the lack of any Parameswaran Grave or any of his alleged “Sultanate” descendants in Malacca from 600 years ago does not even constitute a worthy argument at all. Ketuanan apa sekarang?  

I STRONGLY DISAGREE with UMNO’s lies on Malacca, and it’s Kegemilangan. UMNO definitely needs a severe jolt in the head to understand what History actually is, before making race-based writings.

What I am MOST interested in is, why are there ZERO graves found of ANY SULTAN of Malacca!!?

The Entire alleged Sultanate line is listed below:
Parameswara              1400 – 1414
Megat Iskandar Shah   1414 – 1424
Muhammad Shah        1424 – 1444
Abu Syahid                1444 – 1446
Muzaffar Shah             1445 – 1459
Mansur Shah               1459 – 1477
Alauddin Riayat Shah    1477 – 1488
Mahmud Shah             1488 – 1528
Ahmad Shah               1528 – 1530

Why have we NOT found ONE SINGLE Grave of ANY SULTAN? Why have we also never found a single Building/Palace attributed to any of these Sultans? The modern remake is as bullshit as bullshit gets. There are NO records of what, or where, this alleged palace is/was. With a wooden Palace this size, you will find ample wood debris, along with human traces ie plates, toys, food scraps, anything at all which will “prove” that it even existed to begin with. No Palace disappears without a trace. This is Malaysia. And NOT the Bermuda Triangle!

I rest my Case.

