Mee Kampua Sedap la

Sure, it wasn’t the most convincing and emphatic win for the DAP in Sibu. But unlike the Hulu Selangor by-election where Pakatan actually came out not looking as badly bruised as most people initially assumed, the same cannot be said of UMNO/BN in Sibu.

By G. Krishnan

Despite the razor thin margin of victory, the outcome in Sibu was a reminder to all that Pakatan is still very much a force to contend with. Indeed, some might say that since UMNO (yes, not MIC) took Hulu Selangor and Pakatan/DAP carried Sibu, the two essentially swapped seats that the other camp previously held. This picture is obvious enough for anyone to see. But a close look at the bigger picture bodes well for Pakatan.
Sibu – much like the Hulu Selangor seat prior to 2008 – was a BN/UMNO stronghold. To go into such areas and yet be highly competitive – let alone win – is a reminder that the political landscape cannot be taken for granted anymore as it once was by UMNO. Yes, it is nice for the opposition to celebrate wildly with the capture of Sibu, and the hurt from the loss of Hulu Selangor was likewise quite painful.
Focusing on the bigger picture, however, suggests that the win in Sibu and even the loss in Hulu Selangor, together bode well for Pakatan.
For one, it shows that in both places – where, by the way, there is a substantial Chinese presence – UMNO is finding it hard to hold on to these voters. The fact that UMNO had to sign big cheques in Hulu Selangor and send out their ATM machines to get a chunk of the vote means they’re having to dig deeper to try to coax voters. And looks like Najb’s promises to sign a huge cheque for Sibu, while it might have lured and tempted many to “sell” their vote to BN, still did not deliver the seat for him. So the bottom line is that both in Sibu and Hulu Selangor, not only UMNO cannot take the voters for granted anymore, it is also finding out that trying to buy favours is also not working too well! 
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