Is it a coincidence?

I know that the by-election is over and everybody would like to move forward and put it behind us. I would like to do the same too but there are some serious questions concerning PM Najib’s conduct during the campaigning for this by-election.

By romerz

I did not see the above video until today and it certainly looks like some sort of bribery to me! As is typical when encountering a subject which has legal implications, I try to read the piece of legislation concerned before I open my big mouth and make comments on it. Since I have been to the Election Commission Malaysia’s official website before, I know that there is a link called “Election Laws & Regulation” on the left toolbar.

I clicked on that link and true enough the Election Act, 1958 (Act 19); Election Offenses Act, 1954 (Act 5), and Elections (Conduct of Elections) Regulations 1981, together with their various parts and sub-sections appeared.

To my surprise, when I clicked on the Part III (Corrupt Practices) link of the Election Offenses Act, 1954 (Act 5), another window popped-up with a pdf file bearing the title Laws of Malaysia, Act 5, Election Offenses Act 1954, Part III, Constituencies!

Now it gets weirder. The Election Offenses Act, 1954 does not have a part titled Constituencies but the Election Act, 1958 does, and coincidentally in Part III as well.

So we now have two separately named links of two separate Acts leading back to the same pdf file!

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