So Here’s The Plan!

So much has been happening lately that our minds find it almost impossible to comprehend. It seems like this EPIC campaign called VOICE YOUR CHOICE is quickly becoming EPIC. I mean, we thought it was a cool name at first but to actually see the numbers and the participation grow so far (2 months +) has been astounding and extremely encouraging.

By E.P.I.C

We truly believe this is going to be Malaysia’s BIGGEST citizen movement we youths has ever seen in our lifetime yet.

This is apparent as we see more and more people  rising up with the same beliefs and trust in each other that we want to be accountable for the future of our nation. For too long have we been pointing fingers at others but forgetting the man in the mirror. After all, we are the change that we seek. What is even more exciting is we are no longer alone. We are amongst friends, brothers, sisters who will support you, back you up and collaborate with you. No longer are we going to waste our time trying to compete with one another because the betterment of our country is a collective goal. Let us share our dreams, ideas, hearts, mind and hands in order to bring about this new hope that we seek. So far we have registered about 20,000 people through 4 active states and have mobilised teams from 9 states. We are excited that we have ONLY 99% to go. Now all we need is

20,000 to get another 100 people each


200,000 to get 10 people each

Even better

1 million people to get 1 more person each

It isn’t that hard, with a population of approximately 28 million people in Malaysia, these numbers seem extremely small. We are positive we can make this work, we meaning all of us including you.


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