Fool Value or Semi Value

To hold on to power is just about what he cares most. Anyone in the way of what he thinks he wants and what he wants done will be trampled upon mercilessly. Anyone that is useful will be used then discarded, and anyone that is useless will be used up faster and discarded even faster. 

Welcome to the delusional world of semi-value. 

By Hakim Joe  


To the parasitic germs that hang onto his coat tails, it is but merely a convenient relationship to enhance their ambitions. These are the vermin that knows and understands the way the game is really played. The closer you get, the richer you become, the more-powerful you will be and the higher you will climb. 

Those wriggling closest to him and currently in his good books will now grovel in glee since semi-value’s announcement that he will be stepping down within the year. To be near the pinnacle but yet so far away for such a long time and suddenly, the golden opportunity to take over the helm of a sinking ship. 

Sinking ship? Who cares whether it is still barely afloat or in the midst of sinking. The fact that it has not sunk presents the grand opportunity to pillage and loot the leftovers that remain between the floorboards. Furthermore, there are the many unsettled grievances to take care of once and for all. The Chosen One will be in a commanding position to settle a few debts. Woe befalls those who chose the wrong horse; for one misstep and down the ravine he goes, into oblivion. 

One good thing about this passing of the baton is that there will not be a by-election. Not that it really matters anyway. To the majority population of Bolehland, this party has become almost inconsequential. Additionally, it will stop Hindraf from claiming that they are in fact the rightful successor and that their members are the “tour de force” that is only capable of dislodging semi-value and his cronies from the throne. 

But then again, they might claim that it was constant pressure from their ranks that has brought about this decision from semi-value. Next thing you know, Hindraf will claim that it was their members who made up the swing that dislodged the BN candidate from winning in Sibu. Jokers galore! 

Semi-value has guaranteed that he will clean up the party before he steps down. Quote “I am not going to go like a fool from the party and I will make a good decision before I leave” unquote. I reckon it is about the only thing that he is capable of doing now. Will the clean-up be so meticulously clean that he will be the only person remaining and hence he appoints himself as his successor? No, I don’t think even semi-value is capable of such a tremendous feat. But then again, desperate people do desperate things and desperate times call for desperate measures.  

No, I don’t think that Big Brother will permit that to transpire into reality no matter how relentless semi-value might petition for it. 

So, who will it be that ultimately assumes the throne? The new semi-value or do we get a choice of another fool-value bacterium? The saga continues ….
