Has the Witch-Hunt Begun?

While Sarawakians have ONE more PR lawmaker in Parliament, they have now lost TWO ADUNs for one year.

By Masterwordsmith

The term ‘witch-hunt’ refers to a search for witches or evidence of witchcraft, often involving moral panic, mass hysteria and lynching. Currently, it refers to panic-induced searches for perceived wrong-doers rather than witches. The best known example is probably the McCarthyist search for communists during the Cold War, which was discredited partly through being compared to the Salem witch trials. Today, it appears that a witch-hunt may have begun too!

Malaysiakini reported HERE that two Pakatan Rakyat state representatives, Chong Chieng Jen (DAP-Kota Sentosa), who is also Kuching parliamentarian, and Dominique Ng (PKR-Padungan) have been suspended by the Sarawak state legislative assembly for one year with immediate effect.

The report said:

Their suspensions were handed following recommendations by the powerful privileges committee’s probe on the duo for offences allegedly committed at the assembly debate last year.

Chong (right) was hauled before the privileges committee after calling rival party Sarawak United People’s Party (Supp) “liars”.

He was also censured for telling the state assembly that government policy caused the suicide of a hawker who suffered loss of business from a forced relocation of a public market.

State minister Wong Soon Koh (SUPP-Bawang Assan) referred Chong to the committee on May 19 last year after the latter refused to retract both statements.

Meanwhile, Ng was hauled up to the same committee last year for referring to the state assembly as a “kangaroo court”.

However, the duo will still retain his allowances and remunerations during the suspension period.

Read more at: http://masterwordsmith-unplugged.blogspot.com/2010/05/has-witch-hunt-begun.html
