RPK like HINDRAF is a tool not the solution

What do we gain by picking bones with HINDRAF when we, the public, will be at the losing end with one less party to fight for the community?

By R. Shan (Human Being)

The tool here in a literary sense may confuse some but basically it means that someone out in their own efforts to harness and sharpen the public’s awareness on the general state of the nation for the well-being of the public.

No matter how multiracial we want to be, we must accept that there are major malfeasances done in Malaysia. Not one that is based on race, but one that is motivated by power & greed by the politicians. Just look at Kamalanathan who can be Alan, Nathan & Kamal. He capitalised on this multiracialism and will do and say anything to appear or rather portray himself as such. How phony can he be in order to maintain power & greed whether it is for UMNO or MIC.

RPK and HINDRAF are not motivated by power or greed nor can they be manipulated by the ever eager opposition. They work as a tool to awaken the public from our slumber to find a solution for the community. RPK will continue his conspiracy theories and whatnot for public scrutiny; HINDRAF will continue to fight for human rights and equality for the Indians. But again, they are only tools. The solution lies in us as the public to embrace and enhance the struggle.

The majority of us are still unable to face the truth and reality that out there are many in despair like those without options like a large segment of the Malaysian Indians and those neglected through political insouciance.

What do we gain by picking bones with HINDRAF when we, the public, will be at the losing end with one less party to fight for the community? Sure, HINDRAF is seen as an Indian cause. But HINDRAF is a tool to question and raise issues relating to the marginalized and discriminated Indian that nobody bothers about. What is wrong with helping the most needy first? Before GE12, all opposition political parties used it as a tool and its Makkal Shakti call to create the tsunami never seen before. Now post GE12, the same political parties crucify it. Let’s be realistic. The tool served its purpose but the solution never came about. Of course, UMNO and its mini mandores are a no-go zone, but did we not know that for the last 53 years?

Let’s look at RPK. Thre are a zillion evidence of his never-ending crusade to highlight and wage war against the government, yet the man is in exile. Again, the tool served its purpose, but the solution did not materialise. With all his disclosures, why does the solution still seem so far away as when Kamalanathan could still win in Hulu Selangor? We all make our comments and praise the Lord for someone like RPK, but the solution lies not with him as a tool but us collectivelty on how we can be part of the solution.

We can all see the deplorable tactics engineered by UMNO and its goons whereby they feel they can conquer the subjugated masses. I can, like you, provide all the justifications that seem all rosy and real on why there is nothing I can do. But the pertinent issue that escapes our perception is, we do not see beyond ourselves. We fail to heed strategy tools such as RPK and HINDRAF for the solution that would benefit the society at large. And it can only prevail if we work together.

