The extra “X” in Chromosomes…

So, all this has been indeed confusing, because the same people who clapped and cheered, are now accusing Saiful of consensual AND unconsensual sex with Anuar. Just like Saiful’s Uncle/ Auntie (I’m still unsure), who backed him at the ruckus created when the case first surfaced. Is UMNO sitting the “Moral High Horse” again? Come back down to earth; you might inevitably hit your head on a branch or low-flying birds might shit on your head.

Written by John Doe

A while ago, I wrote about  the extra “X”, in Chromosomes which explain why and how there can be the LGBT phenomena occurring in humans. Today, we read about another of such cases, which causes much stress and concern. Poor Alterina Hofan is spending time in Jail, because he was born with female genitalia, and then grew a penis at age two. He sits in prison today, because his wife’s family have filed a report against him for “Gender (Document) Fraud”. Hofan had already officially changed his papers to show that he is indeed a male.

Mr Hofan’s wife, meanwhile, has said she knows about his past and does not want to be separated from him.

In a related Article, Uganda had plans to put to death any gays as reverberated by this article in the Vancouver Sun. This movement is backed by a handful of uneducated Americans. This is similar to a Homophobic Christian group in Singapore who insisted that AWARE stop advocating Gay and Lesbian Rights, citing the Fire & Brimstone pelting Sodom & Gomorrah instead. The embarrassing charade hit the front page of every newspapers for three weeks straight. They left the Suntec City showdown with their tails between their legs.

Then, we’ve had all these Great Mullah’s making very illusory claims that it is women’s fault of sexy dressing which cause earthquakes. Watch it here on the jay Leno/ CNN special:

Also on MOxNews here:!v=oaEuQTkMxSY&feature=related

I’m particularly proud that the Malaysian Government is so laxed in dealing with the “Akua’s”, but am confused by how they insist that lesbians be treated differently. “Akua Shows” have dominated the Malaysian scene for many years now, with all sorts of Ministers in attendance, joyously clapping, laughing and applauding throughout the entire show. Of course, we are also fully aware of those who get taken to their cars/ hotel rooms for “extra service” immediately after the show as well.

So, all this has been indeed confusing, because the same people who clapped and cheered, are now accusing Saiful of consensual AND unconsensual sex with Anuar. Just like Saiful’s Uncle/ Auntie (I’m still unsure), who backed him at the ruckass created when the case first came to light. Is UMNO sitting the “Moral High Horse” again? Come back down to earth, coz you might inevitably hit your head on a branch, or get shit-on by low-flying birds.

